Kamala, In Her Own Words [VIDEO] – 7.29.24

Don’t believe the media spin. You can find out all you need to know about Kamala Harris’ agenda by listening to her own words.

Roll the tape!

On Illegal Immigration:

On Comparing ICE to the KKK:

On the Whipping Hoax:

On the Jussie Smollett hoax:

On fracking:

On the Afghanistan Withdrawal:

On Defunding the Police:

On January 6th:

Trump’s Vice Presidential pick J.D. Vance recently slammed Kamala at his solo rally in Ohio.

“I just think when I consider how good this country has been to me, I just think about how much I owe to it. That gratitude should come with a sense of responsibility. And when I think about Kamala Harris, who I guess is our vice presidential candidate officially, but I guess she’s going to run for president now, because Joe Biden dropped out of the race. See… Want to take bets here, want to start a betting pool just in this auditorium. But I wonder when I see her give a speech and she talks about the history of this country, not with appreciation, but with condemnation. And look, of course, every country, just like every family, certainly mine, has its pockmarks, right? Not everything’s perfect. It’s never going to be. But if you want to lead this country, you should feel grateful for it. You should feel a sense of gratitude. And I never hear that gratitude come through when I listen to Kamala Harris. And that’s what we’ve got to do.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also chimed in on his feelings about the presumptive Dem nominee:

“The media really worked hard to push Biden out, and now you see all the arteries of the left – the corporate media, Hollywood, academia, they’re using all the king’s horses and all the king’s men to try to put the Democratic Party back together again, and they have to whitewash Harris’ background to be able to make her palpable to the American people, but I think we’ve all seen her. She’s incredibly vapid, even more incredibly liberal, and she doesn’t have any accomplishments. In fact, she owns all the policies of the Biden-Harris administration. She owns the border, she owns the inflation.”

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