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Chopped Chumps – 5.8.24

Here are some Chumps about Stormy Daniels that we could fit in on todays Chump Line. Tune in every weekday at 5:00

Unvetted Drag Queen Flaunts in Sutton Public School and Maura Healey heads to the Vatican…

Jennifer Richardson of the Massachusetts Family Institute joins the show to share the latest debauchery in the

Mystery Biden Theater 3000: Biden’s (Highly Exaggerated) Time with the Norbertines |…

Now Biden claims his high school teacher was drafted to the Green Bay Packers...or something. Tune in as Howie

Homeschool Bound, Allah Palooza, and a Crucifix in Every Room | 5.8.24 – The Howie…

Is it better to leave behind the Indoctrination Camps we call the public school system? Howie weighs in on what

UNFOCUSED: Columbia Law Review begs for cancelled exams | 5.8.24 – The Howie Carr…

Howie shares the letter from the Columbia Law Review, where the dirty hippies grovel and whine in hopes their

Maine Wire’s Ed Tomic plus RFK Jr.’s Brain Worm | 5.8.24 – The Grace…

Nope, it's not a metaphor or figure of speech. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., claims

WTF: Lawrence O’Donnell’s Recounts Stormy’s… Outfit? | 5.8.24 –…

If the Trump trial couldn't get more uncomfortable, Lawrence O'Donnell just hit us with a strange simile that

Morning Minute: Hochul’s big slip – 5.8.24

Hochul claims Black kids in the Bronx don't know what "computer" means. Huh?! DOWNLOAD

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