ADDS IDENTITY OF FORMER FBI LAWYER LISA PAGE - These file photos, top row from left are former CIA Director Michael Hayden, former FBI Director James Comey, former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe and former national security adviser Susan Rice. Bottom row from left are former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper. President Donald Trump acted Aug. 15, 2018, on a threat and revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, citing a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information. Trump says he is reviewing security clearances for nine other individuals, including the eight pictured. (AP Photo/Files)
Joe diGenova discusses the many failings of John Brennan, the CIA & FBI and The President.
Grace Curley was born in Milton, Massachusetts. In 2014 she graduated from Providence College. She started working at the Howie Carr Show shortly thereafter. Since 2021, Grace has been the host of the Grace Curley Show, airing from 12-2pm weekdays on The Howie Carr Radio Network. Grace is also a columnist for The Spectator magazine in addition to being a frequent contributor to The Sean Spicer Show on The First.