2020 presidential race is Trump vs. media

The 2020 Election is less than 10 days away, and two parties in this race are currently working overtime: President Trump and the mainstream media.

What more can the press do for their preferred candidate, Joe Biden? Say what you want about the lowly-rated cable shows or failing liberal magazines — these companies have gone all out in order to get Trump out.

Pop Biden is exempt from any and all tough questions. It works out great for Joe, but the press is paying a high price for their presidential hopes. They have lost all of their credibility as they desperately attempt to roll Joe Biden over the finish line.

NPR’s managing editor Terence Samuel addressed why they would not be covering the Hunter Biden scandal: “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

NPR was notably less concerned about wasting their readers’ time on stories about Julie Swednick or the Steele Dossier.

Leslie Stahl, from “60 Minutes,” informed Trump that they could not discuss Hunter Biden’s laptop because it “could not be verified.” Might I suggest that the producers of “60 Minutes” call up their old colleague Dan Rather. He’s their go-to fact-checker, right?

Twitter made the biggest splash into the Orwellian ocean when they locked the New York Post’s account for having the gall to actually break the Hunter bombshell. Their account has been frozen for nine days.

But despite these remarkable efforts from other networks, when it came to cringe-worthy behavior this week, CNN reigned supreme. First news broke that the network’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin had exposed himself during a Zoom meeting with his colleagues from the New Yorker. To make matters worse, he reportedly was pleasuring himself during the call.

A few days later, when the Toobin news was finally simmering down, another CNN star made headlines. His name is Chris Cuomo, but you might know him better as Fredo. Apparently, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s little bro isn’t a big fan of wearing face masks.

If the dogma lives loudly in Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the hypocrisy lives loudly in the Cuomo brothers.

Chris spends a good portion of his nightly monologues shrieking at viewers to “follow the science” and listen to Dr. Fauci. But despite his passion for virtue-signaling, Chris let his mask slip, causing the management at Cuomo’s fancy apartment building in Manhattan to send the host a reprimanding letter.

“You have been observed entering and exiting the building and riding the elevator without the required face coverings. Even though staff members have asked you to comply with this requirement, you have refused to do so.”

The building management ought to be careful.

I once heard Chris Cuomo threaten to push a guy down a flight of stairs. And that guy wasn’t even asking Chris to wear a mask, he was just calling him by his stage name.

Never one to be outdone, Brian Stelter threw his hat in the lack-of-self-awareness ring.

During an interview with the Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio, Stelter tried to excuse his network’s lack of coverage regarding the Hunter Biden story, saying, “I think bottom line is we don’t know what is real and what is fake in these emails, if there is anything real in them.”

Ferrechio pointed out that, “that didn’t stop (anyone) from reporting the Mueller and the dossier and all that stuff.”

She later sarcastically added, “Now we have ethics.”

This reality check sent Stelter right over the edge.

“Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare act like newsrooms didn’t have ethics in 2017 and 2018!”

Unfazed by Stelter’s typical hysterics, Ferrechio replied, “You can ‘don’t dare’ me all you want, Brian. I’ve been doing this for 30 years, so say whatever you want. It’s my view, and I have a right to say it.”

Someone mute Susan’s mic, quick! She is making way too much sense.

I’d just like to let the journalists at CNN know something: No matter what happens on November 3rd, you have all gone above and beyond for the Democratic Party. You’ve worked much harder than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris combined.

I hope your hate for Trump was worth this in-kind contribution to the Big Guy.

But just so you guys aren’t taken by surprise — because I know you aren’t wasting time on Hunter’s text messages — he usually expects 50% of the profits.

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