Police Blotter Fax Friday: Many girlfriends, and many wives

Tune in as you peruse the headlines below:

The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Hilarious Reaction to Prank | BUDMAN – ESPN Southwest Florida

Passenger rages against ‘blue-eyed white devils,’ threatens to take ‘plane down’ until someone takes HIM down | TERRESA MONROE-HAMILTON – BizPac Review

Willacoochee mayor arrested for DUI [MUGSHOT] | LORENZA MEDLEY – WALB News

Arrested with stolen shopping carts but said he ‘was on his way to return both’ [MUGSHOTS] | LENNY COHEN – CBS 12

Washington state crime spree suspect gets stuck on telephone wire while running from police | STEPHENY PRICE – The New York Post

Man Steals Over 50 Luxury Cars To Satisfy His 16 Girlfriends | STEVEN SYMES – Yahoo News

‘Frisky duo’ crashes car in rural Ontario while having sex | MATTHEW GUY – Driving

Houston man’s bigamy: Three years behind bars for marrying multiple women [MUGSHOT] | Fox 26 Houston