Mitt Romney reverts to his old back-stabbing tricks

If they ever name a street after Mitt Romney, it’ll have to be one way.

Has Romney ever seen a Democrat he didn’t want to suck up to, or a Republican he didn’t want to stab in the back?

Et tu, Willard.

You know, a lot of Republicans haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory these last few weeks. You know who they are.
As you would expect, Mittens was right up among the most prominent profiles in expediency.

He reverted to his Dudley Do-Right persona.

But Mitt really outdid himself a few days ago by going on CNN to rip President Trump for, yes, COVID-19 and for his claims of massive election fraud, which seem to have a lot more evidence than, say, the Russian collusion hoax that the Democrats promoted for four years.

“How much damage is President Trump doing to our country?” asked a Democrat operative with a press pass, Wolf Blitzer.

To which Willard helpfully replied, “He’s damaging the cause of freedom.”

Wolf also asked the 73-year-old junior senator about COVID: “Senator, where is the president’s leadership?”

“Well, this hasn’t been the focus of his rhetoric, apparently” Mitt said, in his smarmiest, most sanctimonious tones. “The extraordinary loss of life is heartbreaking. And in some respects, unnecessary.”

Thanks, Dr. Do-Right.

“We have people who have died and are dying. It’s unacceptable.”

Death is now unacceptable, is it, Senator?

It used to be said of Germany that it was either at your throat or at your feet. So is Mitt Romney. Now that Trump is down, he’s at the president’s throat.

But in 2012, when Mitt was running for the GOP nomination for president and needed Trump’s endorsement, he even flew to Las Vegas to pick it up personally, just before the primary in Nevada.

This was Mitt Romney on Trump then:

“There are some things that you just can’t imagine happening in your life. This is one of them. Being in Donald Trump’s magnificent hotel and having his endorsement is a delight. I’m so honored and pleased to have his endorsement.”

Trump was under no delusions about who he was dealing with.

“I backed Mitt Romney,” he said in a speech years later. “He was begging for my endorsement. I could have said, ‘Mitt, drop to your knees.’ He would have dropped to his knees.”

In Las Vegas, Mitt laid it on extra thick. Trump was a business genius.

“Donald Trump has shown an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works.”

Four years later, though, Mitt’s new pose was as a Never Trumper. And now Trump, the business genius of 2012, was a complete disaster as a businessman, not to mention a “phony” and a “fraud.”

“He inherited his business,” Romney read from a teleprompter. “A business genius he is not. … He didn’t create it.”

Eight months later, though, Mitt crawled back to the newly elected president for dinner at a haute cuisine French restaurant in Manhattan.

“I had a wonderful evening with President-elect Trump,” he said, in full grovel mode. But he didn’t get the job as secretary of state.

Fast forward to early this year. Willard is now in the Senate, and the president has been impeached in the Ukrainian phone-call hoax.

Not only did Romney vote to convict on one count — the only Republican in either the House or the Senate — but he also did interviews with three rabidly anti-Trump media outlets, which were embargoed until after he could make his “agonizing” decision public.

His “faith” made him do it, Romney piously intoned in front of the cameras.

“The only one that voted against us,” Trump said later, “was a guy that can’t stand the fact that he ran one of the worst campaigns in the history of the presidency.”

Exactly. These two guys are almost exactly the same age (Trump is nine months older). And while both Mitt and his father George Romney could never get elected president, despite running numerous times, often starting out as the front-runner, Trump accomplished the trick the first time out.

Since this election, even some Republican rivals whom Trump brutalized out on the 2016 campaign trail — Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, and to a lesser extent even Marco Rubio — have rallied behind him.

But not Mitt. Whatever Romney says, I really believe he wants to run for president one final time in 2024, and he thinks ripping Trump is his ticket.

It didn’t work in 2016, it hasn’t worked this year, so what makes him think Trump hatred will be a winning formula four years from now?

Who knows who’ll win the GOP nod in 2024, but one thing is certain. It won’t be Dudley Do-Right.