Getting rid of the ‘worst’ illegal immigrants is best thing Trump has done yet

I want them all deported, every last one of these welfare-collecting Third World criminals, including the ones with so-called “birthright citizenship.”

A lot of great stuff has been happening since Jan. 20.

But to me the most heartwarming headlines have come from the feds’ round-up of the foreign fiends the Democrats have been encouraging to invade the U.S. to rape, pillage and murder at their leisure — all on their victims’ dime. As horrific as everything else that Dementia Joe Biden’s puppet masters inflicted on Americans, sponsoring this catastrophic invasion of illegals was the worst.

And it’s the main reason Democrats were crushed so badly on Nov. 5.

I want them all deported, every last one of these welfare-collecting Third World criminals, including the ones with so-called “birthright citizenship.”

On Friday, I spoke on my radio show with Trish Hyde, the field director of the Boston Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). Her agency has been doing a fantastic job lugging these savages, and it’s only just beginning.

“The priority is to go after the worst of the worst. The worst will be first.”

And so it is. Here was the headline in yesterday’s Herald:

“ICE ‘worst’ sweep intensifies / Accused rapist, fentanyl trafficker latest handcuffed.”

The fentanyl dealer is a “Lawrence man,” from the Dominican Republic, Santo Alberto Baez Baez. Charged with firearm and fentanyl crimes, he was deported in 2023, and came right back, even with federal charges hanging over his head.

He was again busted in Lawrence — in the same stash house where he’d been lugged 18 months earlier. Baez Baez had to come back — there was too much free welfare in Massachusetts to pass up!

But elections have consequences, amigo, and your party lost. And now you have the right to remain silent, again…

Then there’s the accused rapist — Jose Garcia-Salmeron, a vile thug from El Salvador. He was arrested last summer, but Chelsea District Court “ignored ERO Boston’s immigration detainer and released Garcia from custody July 26.”

Why, you ask, would the Democrat party want to release an illegal-alien alleged rapist?

Professional courtesy.

I asked Hyde about this pattern of Massachusetts officials letting all sorts of violent foreign illegals go, especially sex offenders, and if they’re from the Third World, it’s much more likely that they’re going after children. And most never stop.

“Sex offenders,” Hyde pointed out, “have a 92 percent recidivism rate. The odds of reoffending are significant.”

So Garcia had six more months to live large in America after the Democrat party cut him loose.

Think how much more welfare the amigo collected in those six months, because if there’s another thing you can be certain of, it’s that these illegal aliens, especially from the bleep-hole countries the Democrats are recruiting them from, are 99.9 percent certain to be collecting at least one form of welfare, even if it’s just free health care by showing up at the emergency room.

Why do you think your health insurance premiums are so high? Why does your car insurance cost so much? Why do the Democrats on Beacon Hill keep pushing for higher and higher taxes?

Because they’re picking up the tab for all their undocumented Democrat amigos who can’t be bothered getting a job. Their flophouses alone have cost $2.5 billion, with no end in sight.

And the resulting epidemic of sex crimes by illegals against young girls is so out of control that even the Boston Globe can no longer ignore it.

A week ago Friday, the governor’s office announced that an “inspection” of the Healey hotels “did not turn up any more major issues or criminal issues.”

Three days later, it was reported that at the flophouse in Peabody, an illegal Dominican had been accused of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old, the anchor baby of another Dominican who’s been in the country for 20 years and apparently speaks no English.

No arrests have been made. The accused illegal was simply moved to a different flophouse on the taxpayers’ tab. It’s the same m.o. as with the alleged Haitian rape in Marlborough. Different county, but same Democrats and same cover-ups.

Healey’s lie about “inspections” was just another whopper from the Democrat regime, much like when she said she’d ordered vetting last spring of all the foreign freeloaders, but then refused to provide a shred of evidence that she’d actually done so.

If Maura had any evidence — a paper trail — that she’d in fact tried to protect American citizens by doing the right thing, don’t you think she would have released it?

Of course by now Maura figured she’d be in Washington as Kamala’s AG. And if any Republican senators had dared to ask her about all the unreported, unprosecuted rapes by unvetted illegal aliens at the “shelters,” Maura would have simply hissed about misogyny or homophobia or nativism or something.

I asked Hyde of ERO if the feds had any plans to raid any of the Healey hotels. She was noncommittal.

“Any time you have people come into the country and you don’t know who they are and you put them all together in one place, unvetted, that’s absolutely going to be a public safety threat.”

Sure enough, on Friday another news story broke about a “man” in Westborough who was arrested for allegedly holding an underage girl against her will at a “hotel.”

The hotel is called “Extended Stay,” and I’ll bet it has been, especially for the arrested “man,” who was identified as Iury Viera DeSouza.

Hyde was on the raids last week when Fox News was embedded for some memorable busts. One of the savages they collared in East Boston was an MS 13 gangbanger who’d been picked up the previous day on firearms charges, then was instantly cut loose from East Boston District Court.

Repeat after me, professional courtesy.

I asked Hyde if there were any plans to go after some of the hacks who are releasing these bloodthirsty foreign thugs back into American communities.

“I leave those kinds of decisions to the bosses,” she said, adding that since Jan. 20, “some of these people have come to the table.”

It’s a tough job, I said, since we all know that under Biden, the border was “wide open.”

“That’s certainly an understatement,” she said.

Busy, busy, busy, that’s ICE these days, not to mention all the other federal law-enforcement agencies trying to end four years of Democrat insanity.

“Every day is a busy day here,” Hyde said. “And they only get busier.”

Let’s hope so. Millions of taxpayers — and defenseless young women — are counting on ICE ERO.

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