Tweet Beat: Keep the faith. 11.5.20

Tweet Beat: Keep the faith. 11.5.20

Hey Howie Carr Nation!

I know you’re all on pins and needles. But don’t lose hope.

“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.” – Winston Churchill

Now, let’s get to the tweets.

Fraudsters Galore

Move along…

Speaking of transparency…

In stuff they expect us to believe…

HAHAHHAHA. If anything should convince you that there is something fishy going on, it is the fact that Joe Biden is getting more votes that Barack Obama. The guy couldn’t get more than a handful of people at his rallies. But sure, he is the candidate that broke all the records. Riiighttt…

The Party that Prays Together…

Wow. The media is more afraid of prayer than they are of looting.

Another tolerant liberal!

Woke people are so angry. They should work on that.



Tune in to the show at 3 PM.

And chin up! President Trump isn’t going down without a fight.

— Grace