This Democratic Congressman Just Disrespected President Trump In A Big Way

President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address is still over three weeks away but one Democratic congressman has already announced his plans to boycott the annual address.

“Rather than listening to another destructive, divisive speech by Trump, I will not attend this year’s annual address to Congress,” Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer said in a statement. “Instead, like I did during his inauguration, I’ll be working at home listening to Oregonians about what they think about the State of the Union!”

“Hearing from Oregonians and working together to protect our values and advance policies that actually strengthen our communities is a more productive use of my time,” Blumenauer said.

This isn’t the first time Democrats have bucked tradition by boycotting a speech from the president. Dozens of Democrats boycotted Trump’s inauguration following his shocking victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Several Democrats also boycotted Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress in February last year. Following that address, Blumenauer garnered attention for his one-word response to Trump’s speech: “Resist.”

President Trump’s 2018 State of the Union address will take place Jan. 30.