Taylor’s Takes: Let’s Make America Normal Again

Taylor’s Takes: Let’s Make America Normal Again

The return of Donald J. Trump as the President of the United States for so many is seen as an oasis in the desert. I put myself into that category, as I’m sure you do, too.

For the past four years we have been lorded over by the intolerant left ruling class. Under the Biden administration we saw the mainstream introduction of ideologies like Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, in addition to Black Mirror-esque ESG scores for corporations. Companies were peer-pressured into adopting these seemingly voluntary policies, placing ancestral origins and economic status above legitimate workplace qualifications like education and experience. I’m sure countless people have been undeservingly passed over for jobs and promotions, setting their own careers back years while some gender-fluid so-and-so with a vague claim to American Indian heritage traded their barista apron for a cushy corner office.

For the past four years America has been knocking on the door of a third World War. To quote the soon-to-be former President Joe Biden, “That’s not hyperbole.” The United States is nearing the third year of providing aid to Ukraine in order to fund a war they can never win. Since the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, the Middle East has been steeped in chaos. We saw the return of ISIS, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, attacks by Houthis, Iranian-backed proxies leveling both ineffective and devastating attacks on Israel, in addition to provocations by both China and North Korea, among other global threats. All of this transpired under Biden’s “leadership.” Joe Biden, 12-year veteran of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with a self-claimed mastery of foreign policy, watched the world burn while he hid the match.

For the past four years the left has tried to replace Christianity with a religion of their own. During the pandemic Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Andrew Cuomo, and the like became the patron saints of Covidianism. They could not be questioned. Their knowledge was divine and inspired, and their edicts were gospel. Those who did not mask up or vaccinate were to be ridiculed and reported to their local Covidian archbishop for a figurative flogging. The unclean lost their jobs if they did not bend to the almighty lords of Covidianism. Patronage of the unclean at establishments of the fearful faithful was most unwelcome. Even the worshipful observances of the old religions of the unclean were ceased for a time by the newly-minted Covidians.

For the past four years normalcy, that is to say heterosexual cisgender people, have been made out to be abnormal outcasts. Meanwhile, anyone with non-traditional pronouns and prefixes displayed in their LinkedIn bios were catered to and tip-toed around. The White House invited insultingly effeminate male social media influencers with long artificial fingernails to sashay about the halls in an effort to boost interest in the midterm elections. Men who received artificial breast implants flashed their fake assets on the White House lawn. And more devastatingly, males were free to take part in female athletic competitions, not only dominating the sport, but also intimidating the women by undressing and showering in the same space that was once segregated by sex.

We have endured a lot over the past four years. I didn’t even get to out-of-control inflation, crime rates or the invasion of our country by illegal aliens.

But Monday, we get to begin to put all of that in the rear-view mirror.

I understand a Trump presidency is not a panacea. Realistically, no single president can be expected to restore his land to a completely ideal state.

But I do know that President-Elect Donald Trump, along with Vice President-Elect J.D. Vance, can and will restore at least one thing: common sense. I think that’s what I’m looking forward to most over the next four years.

Yes, I’m just as eager as you to see a decrease in the fluctuation of the price of gas and groceries. I want interest rates to return to historic lows. I want employment for all people to be at an all-time high. I want to be able to stroll through a shopping plaza without the fear of getting mugged by an illegal immigrant. I want people to be judged by their qualifications and not by who they sleep with.

I look forward to the disposal of all of the woke policies adopted by corporations that lived in constant fear they’d be sued if they didn’t follow the globalist agenda.

I look forward to foreign policy that is strong and straightforward, not mired in hypotheticals and lines in the sand. A foreign policy that is meant to bring about peace instead of never-ending suffering.

I look forward to Americans being treated like adults by their government – being trusted to make decisions that are best for them and their families.

I look forward to the wholesale cancellation of transgenders trying to domineer the sporting events of the sex they claim to be, along with the dissipation of such propaganda to our children in public schools and libraries.

There are so many things I’m optimistic about. Things for my own family’s future that I can’t even put into words.

Most of all, though, I look forward to having leadership that makes decisions based on logic. I’m looking forward to an administration that weighs what is good for the whole of America, and not just a small fraction who feign marginalization.

I look forward to President Donald Trump once again being a president for all of America – something Biden professed he would be, but never was.

I’m looking forward to President Trump making America normal again.

americabidenCOVIDDonald TrumpillegalimmigrantsLGBTQpresidentTrumpunited states