System seems to go to the wall for illegal immigrants

Are you a reasonably law-abiding, tax-paying US citizen?

If so, consider for a moment what your bail might have been set at if, a week ago today in Tewksbury, you had behaved in the following way:

You are driving, without a license, through a drug-infested neighborhood, and when you see a police car, you pull over, get out of your low rider, walk rapidly over to some woods and then push something under a fence, after which you get back in your car.

When the cops attempt to pull you over, you try to flee, but the police manage to pull you over. As the cop walks toward your car, you take off, in reverse, almost hit the cop walking towards you with a badge in his hand, and then smash into an unmarked Billerica police vehicle.

You then make a U turn onto a well-traveled cross street, doing twice the legal speed limit, headed towards Lowell the wrong way, forcing other cars off the road. You are finally pulled over, dragged out of your vehicle and handcuffed, as police search your car and find two cell phones – one a “burner” – and $460 cash.

You are then charged with, among other offenses: assault with a dangerous weapon, failure to stop for police, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, leaving the scene of property damage, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, intimidation, possession/use of false/stolen Registry of Motor Vehicles documents (2 counts), marked lane violation, failure to signal, speeding, furnishing false ID information to law enforcement, and identity theft involving an MA driver’s license, a permit, birth certificate, Social Security card and bank card.

His bail the next day in Lowell District Court?

Five hundred bucks.

But of course, there were extenuating circumstances – Jairo Samuel Andujar is an illegal alien, from the Dominican Republic, living in, where else, Lawrence. His girlfriend told the cops she’s pregnant, although for some reason, the Tewksbury incident report doesn’t list an upcoming wedding date for the tropical lovebirds.

Just another news cycle  in modern America. You could literally fill the newspaper every day with stories like this, about the crime wave these invaders have unleashed on the nation.

Just consider the daily press releases out of the Department of Justice. Here’s a recent sampling of headlines from Boston – Brazilian National Charged with Making False Statement Concerning South Boston School Shooting, Dominican National Sentenced for Participating in Fentanyl Conspiracy (two of those), Dominican National Pleads Guilty to Identity Theft and so forth.

How about this local arrest from Winchester a few days ago – Winchester, one of the most affluent towns in Massachusetts. An illegal from Brazil, with 26 vehicles registered out of his rented house, was charged with “posing and exhibiting a child in a sexual act, photographing an unsuspecting nude person, and possession of child pornography.”

The days the cops got a search warrant, they raided the house at 6 a.m., and inside they found 14 men and two women, as well as blow-up mattresses, not to mention three cameras in the bedroom where the 17-year-old girl said she was raped.

And this happened, I repeat, in Winchester, not Lawrence or Chelsea or Lynn.

Remember how last year Gov. Charlie “Tall Deval” Baker campaigned on the fact that the RMV had cleaned up its act, that it was no longer a revolving door for Dominican fentanyl dealers in Lawrence who needed drivers’ licenses so they could go on welfare?

Care to guess when this latest Lawrence perp got his license from the RMV? On Nov. 20 – two weeks after Tall Deval’s reelection. He’s the second illegal nailed so far who, uh, slipped through the cracks of the new and improved ultra-vigilant RMV, using the same fake documents they always use – stolen from Puerto Rico. The “package” cost him $800, his girlfriend said. And then he can collect welfare for the rest of his life.

An inquiry yesterday to the RMV about these latest fake licenses was acknowledged, but not answered. The Middlesex County district attorney was asked about whether Senor Andujar was still in custody. The DA referred the question to the sheriff, who did not return calls.

Do you begin to sense a pattern here? Repeat after me: nothing to see here, folks move along.

But remember, we don’t need a wall on the southern border, because there’s no problem here, no national emergency whatsoever.

Unless, of course, maybe you’re the cop that this Dominican almost ran over last week, or one of the motorists he almost sideswiped as he tried to escape. Perhaps it’s an emergency if you’re the Puerto Rican whose identity he stole or if you’re a taxpayer who’s picking up the tab for this guy’s permanent vacation here in the Land of the Free Stuff.

And the judge set his bail at $500.

As I always say, if I ever get jammed up, I ask for no special favors. Just treat me like an illegal alien. Treat me like Jairo Samuel Andujar.