Southie “House of Horrors” Shows Healey Hypocrisy, and Where’s Wu?

Southie “House of Horrors” Shows Healey Hypocrisy, and Where’s Wu?

When it’s at 11a.m. on Saturday June 10 in broad daylight in Copley Square, it’s “Happy Pride.” When it’s 11 a.m. exactly one week later behind closed doors in the Mary Ellen McCormack public housing project in South Boston, it’s “heartbreaking.”

Last Saturday morning, the Boston Fire Department responded to a cardiac-arrest incident at 381 Old Colony Avenue. What they saw shook them up so badly they filed a 51A incident report detailing the abuse and neglect of four boys under age 10 in a filthy subsidized apartment.

At-Large Boston City Councilor Erin Murphy, one of the few speaking out against the stowing of children from first responders at sexed-up functions, joined the Howie Carr Show earlier this week to describe the “house of horrors.”

“The house was very unkept—somewhat of a hoarding situation,” she explained. “There was lots of drug paraphernalia and sex toys all over the place. One of the adults was trying to stop the first responder from going into the room where he could hear young children calling for help.”

The six men with pulses were “uncooperative” according to the Ladder 18’s report. They lied to first responders. They claimed no children were present. They were also allegedly dressed in women’s clothing.

“If it wasn’t for the overdose, the 911 call never would have been made,” Murphy continued. “If it wasn’t for the brave firefighter who refused to listen to the adults who kept saying, ‘There’s no one back there, don’t bother…’”

“[The firefighter] was willing to push [the cross-dresser] aside and open the door to the four children in that back room sitting in chairs in a very unsafe situation.”

The Boston Herald reported that one man in a wig claimed the four young boys were his children.

The children were plucked from the scene and are now in custody of the Department of Children and Families. There’s no news to whether the six adults in the apartment are still at large.

Where did these children come from? How long have they been in the clutches of these grown men? Who and where are their parents? And, I dare ask, will we ever know?

It took four days for Gov. Maura Healey to comment publicly on this sordid episode in a Boston Housing Authority project. Of course, she was likely celebrating Juneteenth Monday and didn’t have time to pay attention to the here, now, and horrific.

To Healey, the situation is “absolutely heartbreaking.”

“We’ll do everything we can to provide them support and services,” Healey told reporters Wednesday. “The matter is being investigated, obviously.” It wasn’t so obvious, considering the Boston Police Department still seems to dragging its feet. We have yet to see the official report.

“Too little, too late,” from our elected officials is beyond an understatement. This is not only the exposé of a safety oversight. It isn’t just an embarrassing brooming of information under the rug.

Exactly one week earlier, Healey and Wu encouraged this. They paraded for the cause of public perversity.

One week before the events at Old Colony Avenue, Healey and Wu pranced through the streets of Boston alongside children, teens, and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence celebrating Massachusetts as a place “where you can be who you are, and be proud of it.”

If “who you are” is a fellow who enjoys strapping himself into bondage gear and strutting your stuff in front of minors, show your stuff! It’s “Pride Month,” after all!

At what point does a drag display stop being wonderful, important, powerful etc. and become “heartbreaking,” as Healey described the incident in the projects? Does it require a fatal overdose for our governor to render a verdict on her safety concerns about four young boys under the age of 10?

On the bright side, Maura Healey’s minimal, milquetoast response beats the statement from Boston Mayor Michelle Wu—oh, wait. What statement?

In the past six days, the Boston mayor has attended meet-and-greets, ribbon cuttings, brunches and other functions. Coffee hour or concert, the mayor is there.

Any task that might require elbow grease or engender even the slightest blowback, though, and you’ll find yourself asking, Where’s Wu?

Yesterday the mayor published a video expressing, ironically, her desire to make Boston “the best place in the country for families.” Either she’s mocking our demands for information regarding the Southie projects, or she’s completely missing the point.

Almost a week later now, Wu isn’t standing alone in her silence. We have yet to hear from The Boston Globe.

Now the leftists in power and the Boston media (but I repeat myself) must choose. Protect children—or cross-dressing predators? Only time will tell but as for me, I’m running out of patience about Mayor Michelle “Voice of Transparency” Wu.