RMV, the Pearly Gates for illegal immigrants

She was only selling illegal-alien heroin dealers the drivers’ licenses Americans could no longer be bothered selling.

So why are the feds packing a thieving Dominican named Evelyn Medina off to Club Fed for 15 months?

Don’t the gringos understand that, as her lawyer put it in Senorita Medina’s sentencing memo, by selling drivers’ licenses to foreign drug dealers, she was merely “providing people like herself who were looking for a new life outside their country a quick and easy ‘route’ of entry in the United States.”

A route, specifically, to the welfare office, where they could join millions of their amigos and MS-13 gangbangers in unlawfully accessing EBT cards, TANF, Sect. 8, Obamaphones, WIC, MassHealth etc. etc. etc.

The Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles is to illegal aliens what the Pearly Gates are to heaven. Once you get through, you never have to work again. Everything free in America!

Which was why Medina was part of an organized crew operating out of the Haymarket Registry in downtown Boston, selling fake drivers’ licenses and state IDs to illegal aliens flush with cash from, well, you know where they get it from.

Last month an illegal alien from the Dominican Republic was sentenced to two years in prison for masterminding the scheme. And this week, Evelyn Medina, a hack clerk at the Haymarket RMV, got her 15 months in the slammer, but not before her attorney filed a 10-page sob story about her life and hard times in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts.

Now 56, Medina and her family arrived from the DR and landed in a non-working-class neighborhood in Boston in 1977.

“Although Ms. Medina had not yet the language of her new home, she quickly assimilated.”

Translation: she got knocked up.

“While she was in High School, she began dating Jose Rosa and from that relationship, her first daughter, Emely, was born.”

Dating, you say? Sadly, marriage to Jose was not in the cards – EBT cards, that is.

“Approximately nine (9) years after the birth of Emely, her second daughter, Lismany, was born.”

Medina’s lawyer, the author of this tearjerker, is Brad Bailey, the former Republican high sheriff of Middlesex County. I called him yesterday and asked if she’d come over illegally, and he said no. I asked him if she’d ever been on the dole and he declined to answer.

According to the feds’ press release, in return for payoffs, Medina and a number of other RMV clerks who have also pleaded guilty were providing licenses for “illegal aliens, individuals who were previously deported, and an individual who admitted to previously facing drug charges.”

At least one of the crew got up to $2700 for providing false identities taken from Puerto Ricans, who are US citizens. The clerks like Medina got less money for actually issuing the license to one shiftless, non-English speaking Third World criminal after another – “limited ‘compensation,’” as Bailey put it.

“Ms. Medina received between $300 and $500 for each of the identification documents she helped procure, which the government alleges totals at least 15. As such, it cannot be said that Ms. Medina was solely motivated by greed or personal enrichment….”

No, she was just trying to help her fellow foreign deadbeats get a leg up in their life of crime and indolence. By the way, did I mention that Medina got hired by the RMV in 1996, three years before she became a citizen? Ain’t affirmative action great?

But dammit, she needed those extra pesos!

“Ms. Medina earned a meager $2,400-a-month salary while employed at the RMV.”

Still, at least behind it was going to come the kiss in the mail. But then la policia caught up with her. And now “those retirement benefits will almost certainly be forfeit. Because of the manner thorugh which she lost her job, unemployment compensation is also unlikely.”

Oh Lordy, what will she ever do when she gets out? Do you suppose it’s remotely possible that she might know someone in the neighborhood who can direct her to the nearest Department of Transitional Assistance?

Sad, says Bailey, because except for her crime spree at the Registry, this proud Democrat has “otherwise lived a laudable life which would give hope to any immigrant coming to this country.”

Indeed. But for now, Senorita Medina, adios. One down, millions upon millions more of you to go.