Police Blotter Fax Friday -5.24.2024

Mom fined $88K after kids collect 72 clams from California beach thinking they were seashells: ‘Ruined our trip’ – NY Post

Man wanted in Florida shooting found by police folded in dryer, ‘tumble-ready hideout’ – AOL

Flame-swallower chucks fireballs at mariachi band in dispute over performance spot – NY Post

CT cop claimed he was having heart attack after switching seats to avoid DUI, video and records show
– Stamford Advocate

Drunk rampaging monkey bites five people after ‘becoming jealous of owner’s new boyfriend’ – The Daily Star

World’s Most Arrested Man Dies At 74 – The Smoking Gun

Woman Arrested For Battering Man. With A Cinnamon Roll. – The Smoking Gun

Pennsylvania man turns violent during strange outburst at McDonald’s – The Villages