Please stop Charlie Baker from raising the gas tax

Gov. Charlie Baker — how can we miss him when he won’t go away?

So there he was Thursday at Boston Children’s Hospital, stumbling through his prepared remarks like an oversized Dementia Joe Biden, muttering, “Vaccines are whale widely available.”

He referred to “vaxy-nations” and also informed the cheerleading Boston media that “these medical efforts know that the vaccine is safe and has proven to be highly effective.”


But hey, the important thing for Charlie was that he got to issue some more nonsensical orders — “masks in schools can only be removed if 80% of the building is vaccinated.”

Please, Charlie Parker, as Dementia Joe calls him, put us out of our misery. Haven’t you done … enough? Third in the nation for overall death rate for most of the Panic, sometimes the highest unemployment rate in the entire U.S.

Charlie, you’re already the worst governor in state history. In terms of sheer incompetence, you’re the Massachusetts political equivalent of Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak or Tom Brady’s seven Super Bowl rings. You’ll never be equaled.

I don’t think he’s running again — how can he? — but maybe Charlie needs a final nudge.

Which is why I am suggesting that everyone get out this weekend and sign the petitions to put a referendum question on the November 2022 ballot that would stop Charlie Parker from unilaterally raising the gasoline tax per gallon from its current 24 cents to perhaps as high as 62 cents, according to one study.

You know how badly Tall Deval wants this.

As much fun as it is to make little kids wear masks for no rational reason, how much more satisfying would it be for him to complete his single-handed destruction of the Massachusetts economy?

This latest mad scheme to beggar the working classes is called the Transportation Climate Initiative — TCI. Every other state that even briefly considered TCI has pulled back, because it’s insane, and utterly meaningless in terms of anything other than providing lots of good jobs at good wages for otherwise unemployable fops from Charlie’s social class.

But the governor is all in on it. He dreams of his own COP26 conference — private jets mandatory — where he gathers his fellow trust-funders together to shake their fists at the skies before heading off to lunch where John Kerry lovingly explains to all the wokesters each of the multiple imported vintages they’re savoring.

We only have two more weekends to finish collecting the 80,000-plus certified signatures needed to put the Stop-Charlie’s-Insane-Gas-Tax measure on the statewide ballot.

Please, sign a petition to put this before the voters. Which gas tax do you prefer — the current 24 cents, or Charlie Parker’s dream of 62 cents per gallon? Go to to find out where you can affix your signature to stop the steal.

But there’s another reason to sign the petition.

Over the past 20 months, perhaps you lost your job. Were you fired because you refused to bow to one of his superstitious mandates?

Or perhaps couldn’t visit a loved one in their final days, or even hold a proper funeral. You may have been unconstitutionally forbidden from attending church. Your kids may have lost more than a year of education. You couldn’t go to the gym, or play golf for months.

Did a Karen yell at you because you weren’t observing Parker’s idiotic diktats like one-way aisles and “social distancing” in supermarkets?

Did your favorite restaurant shut down? Maybe you had a relative at the Holyoke Soldiers Home which was run by an incompetent hack who gave Charlie $950, and his lieutenant governor a grand.

Or maybe you just got tired of his hysterical daily fear-mongering and panic porn. Or his fiddling, Cuomo-like, with the state’s official death statistics to make himself and his corrupt regime look less criminal.

Signing the TCI petition is a way to tell Charlie how much you appreciate all he’s, uh, done for you … and everyone else who works for a living.

You saw the recent poll that showed that he’s currently running behind ex-Rep. Geoff Diehl in a hypothetical Republican primary by a margin of 57-25.

That’s just among registered GOP voters, and I think that actually understates how much Tall Deval is loathed by the Republican base in this state.

But the corrupt hacks who are still getting rich off his dismantling of the state’s economy could make the argument that only 9% of the population is Republican, and that about half the state is “unenrolled,” and could take GOP ballots next September.

How many would, though, if you were just doing it to extend Charlie Parker’s reign of error?

To survive even a primary, Parker would have to create an entirely new GOP electorate, to offset the hundreds of thousands of deplorables who would crawl across broken glass to vote against him.

How much would such an unprecedented effort cost, even if could be accomplished? Three, four, maybe five million dollars. He has less than $700,000 in his campaign account.

Meanwhile, he goes about his daily hackery. Meet one of his most recent judicial nominees — Pacifico DeCapua Jr. of Milford. He’s eminently qualified — he gave Karyn “Pay to Play” Polito $500, another $500 to very ethical Worcester DA Joe Early Jr. and $100 to disgraced House speaker Felon Finneran.

Then there’s Maureen Flaherty, ticketed for the BMC. Another nationwide search — $350 to Polito and $150 to Charlie.

Had enough yet? You don’t have to wait until next year to tell Charlie Parker what you think of him.

Go to Send him a message this weekend. Sign the anti-Charlie-Parker gas tax petition.