Not giving us their tired, their poor

Instead of railing against “bleephole countries,” President Trump probably should have said something along the lines of how he talked in 2016 about the Muslim countries that are flooding the US with terrorists.

“We have to stop this until we can figure out what the hell is going on.”

The problem, of course, is that this torrent of immigration from the Third World includes a wildly disproportionate number of terrorists, drug dealers, gangbangers and illiterate non-English-speaking beggars angrily demanding handouts. No one can deny that.

Let’s talk about their crime first, then welfare.

Just before Christmas, the Justice Department released statistics on the population in federal prisons – 31 percent of the nation’s 185,507 inmates in custody of the Bureau of Prison are “known or suspected illegals.”

Can you imagine the numbers in state prisons like, say, California or New York, where the Democrat governors refuse to release the damning statistics on illegal-alien crime – for obvious reasons. And 90 percent of the US prison population is locked up in state or local pens.

The U.S. Sentencing Commission releases statistics on federal crimes committed by aliens, both legal and illegal. In all, aliens represent 8.4 percent of the adult population residing in the US. Yet between 2011 and 2016, aliens accounted for 42.4 percent of kidnapping convictions, 31.5 percent of drug convictions and 23 percent of money-laundering convictions.

To paraphrase George W. Bush, they’re only committing the crimes Americans can’t be bothered committing anymore.

One of the countries Trump referred to was El Salvador. Ever since he decided to end their “Temporary Protected Status,” these foreign mendicants have been complaining – through their translators, because apparently few of them have bothered to learn English in the 18 years they’ve been vacationing here – that they can’t go back to El Salvador because it is, basically, a bleephole country.

The day Trump made his allegedly shocking remarks, the feds rounded up 17 more MS-13 illegal-alien Salvadorans, and according to the DEA press release, these illegals “report to MS-13 in El Salvador.”

On Friday, in federal district court here in Boston, another illegal alien MS-13 gangbanger from El Salvador pleaded guilty to unlawful reentry. His name is Elenilson Gonzalez-Gonzalez (you can call him “Gonzalez” for short.)

Remember, in dealing with these savages, the feds often allow them to plead down to simple “unlawful entry” or some such felony. Which means those stats from the Sentencing Commission aren’t really an accurate picture of the horror of the crimes these Stone Age fiends are committing against civilized Americans.

By the way, these Salvadorans are covered by “Temporary Protected Status.” Let me translate it for them, pro bono. Amigos, you are only here on “temporal” status – comprehende? That means you are only allowed to vacation here in everything-is-free-in-America temporarily – er, temporalmente.

Here’s another headline on a Friday press release from the US attorney’s office in Boston: “Dominican National Sentenced for Heroin and Fentanyl Conspiracy.”

How about this DOJ press release, from Connecticut: “Uzbek National Living in New Britain Charged with Immigration Offenses.” This terrorist lied when he said he was never a member of ISIS. Uzbekistan is the nice Muslim homeland of the West Side truck terrorist who murdered eight Christians last fall. That Muslim arrived here courtesy of the terrorist, I mean diversity lottery.

What eight-letter adjective starting with an “s” and ending with an “e” accurately describes Uzbekistan?

More celebrations of diversity from the you-know-what nations, as reported by the DOJ in Connecticut: “Nigerian National Admits Role in Business E-Mail Compromise Scheme.”

Last week in Vermont a 73-year-old female volunteer delivering Meals on Wheels was attacked by a machete-wielding Somali named Abukar Ibrahim. The Vermont media described him as a “Burlington man.” No references to his country of origin.

This latest controversy erupted during negotiations over the Democrats’ insane scheme to protect 800,000 illegal-alien criminals they call “Dreamers.” Their dream, our nightmare. A Harvard researcher set up a website and surveyed 2000 of them – 73 percent live in welfare-eligible households. Now do you understand these illegal-alien dreamers’ dreams?

To remain on welfare, forever.

Last month the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that allowing these freeloaders to remain in the US living on the arm would cost taxpayers $25.9 billion in welfare over the next decade. And they would only generate $900 million in taxes. In other words, most Dreamers will never get off the dole.

If we don’t do something about this insanity, America is gone. It’s going to turn into a, well, do I have to spell out what kind of country we will all very shortly be living in?