MUST-SEE: Major Pivot from Biden [VIDEO] – 7.17.24

The bad news for Joe Biden just won’t stop. On the heels of reports about a disastrous Saturday Zoom call (in which Biden allegedly yelled at a Bronze Star veteran), the president is now changing his tune about staying in the race.

Before we break down the latest pivot, let’s rewind a bit.

It all started when Biden informed ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that the only way he would get out of the race would be if God got involved.

That didn’t sit well with Democrats.

During the NATO press conference, Biden was asked if he would consider stepping aside in the presidential election.

He made it clear to the reporters that unless he was told there is no way he can win– he isn’t going anywhere.

It didn’t end there!

When his interview with Speedy Mormon was released this week, Biden offered up a different scenario.

Now we have the latest and most drastic pivot yet.

In Biden’s interview with BET, he explained that he would leave the race if a doctor came forward and informed him that he is dealing with a medical issue.

This seems to be the strongest sign thus far that Biden is mulling over passing the torch to Kamala.

It is also worth noting that Rep. Adam Schiff released a statement to the LA Times today and made it clear he no longer supports Biden as the nominee.

From Schiff:

“President Biden has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history, and his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now as President has made our country better. But our nation is at a crossroads. A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November.”

There are also Democrats who aren’t thrilled with the DNC’s plan to use a virtual roll call to solidify Biden as the nominee before the convention.

The Democrat in-fighting is ramping up as the clock is running out.