Maura’s middle-finger salute to gun owners

Whatever else you’re doing the next few days, you owe it to yourself to get out and sign one of the petitions to stop the Democrats’ unconstitutional gun grab here in Massachusetts.

It seems an appropriate moment to mention a few of the old bumper stickers that seem appropriate again for this Orwellian moment:

An armed society is a polite society.

When seconds count, police are minutes away.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

House Bill 4885 was signed into “law” by Gov. Maura Healey on July 23, more than two months ago. It would have gone into effect immediately had she attached an “emergency preamble” to this unprecedented 116-page assault on the Second Amendment.

But there was no need, apparently, until citizens began a signature drive to put both the question of repeal on the 2026 ballot, as well as to suspend it until that statewide vote two years from now.

Suddenly, though, 71 days later after the big bill signing, implementing it becomes an emergency.

The emergency is the people were finally waking up to how many of their rights the Deep State was robbing them of.

Welcome to Massachusetts.

The organizers need 38,000 or so certified signatures to put the question on the 2026 ballot, and would have only needed 49,716 to suspend the law. They were going to reach both thresholds, so the Democrats had to step in because … threat to democracy.

Their “democracy,” not ours.

So now there won’t be a suspension of the law, despite all the signatures that have been gathered. Your unalienable rights are about to be abrogated sooner rather than later.

How come it wasn’t an emergency for the last 10 weeks since July 23, not until the signatures started being turned over to the city and town halls?

“It wasn’t an emergency,” says campaign organizer Toby Leary of Cape Gun Works, “until she realized we were going to get the necessary signatures.”

Despite the Democrats’ best efforts to throw a monkey wrench into the process, if you haven’t done so already, you still need to sign one of the petitions before Sunday. We can still put it on the statewide ballot in 2026.

Send them a message, now, and then again on Nov. 5.

We don’t want the hacks counting the signatures on those petitions, we want them weighing them.

The deadline for turning them in the signatures is next Wednesday. But for all practical purposes, the campaign needs to get the signatures to the local city and town halls early next week.

So please, if you haven’t already signed, go to and find out where you can sign the petition to make sure the comrades know how annoyed you are.

That website is also where you can find out exactly how bad this is. Like most “common sense” gun laws, it’s aimed not at the gang-bangers and criminal illegal aliens, it’s aimed at law-abiding American gun owners.

As this law goes into effect, a lot of gun owners in Massachusetts could suddenly find themselves waking up as … felons.

Of course not everyone will be arrested. Can you say selective prosecution? You know, like possession of a rubber ducky in Canton.

If you’re a member of a protected class, you have nothing to fear from gun laws, or any laws of any sort for that matter. It’s Massachusetts, Jake.

As the Coalition for Civil Rights says on their home page:

“Violent offenders are released on $500 bail, while law-abiding citizens are turned into felons for exercising their constitutional rights.”

Here’s another example from the Coalition:

“H.4885 could result in the imprisonment of two 17-year-old girls for two years – simply because they bought a two-pack of pepper spray and split the cost. How does this reduce crime?”

It doesn’t. Obviously. The more laws they have, the more “they” can use them against people they don’t like. This law implements onerous requirements to get any sort of permit or license to carry, including use of firing ranges.

“How,” asks the Coalition, “does changing the licensing process to an almost impossible standard in urban areas help reduce crime where law-abiding residents lack access to live-fire ranges.”

Whatever happened to “equity?”

The new standards are nonsensical. Some campus police are signing the petition, because they’re going to be restricted to 10 rounds. Remember the Tsarnaevs – the Muslim freeloaders who bombed the Boston marathon? Those savages killed an MIT campus cop during their flight. The cops were outgunned, even before H.4885.

Does Maura Healey care?

Not in the least. This is all about virtue signaling. If, God forbid, Kamala Harris is elected president, Maura can then lobby to become the next Merrick Garland, or perhaps Janet Reno would be a more apt comparison.

Taking guns away from law-abiding citizens – that is a resume-enhancer of the first order in the modern Democrat party.

State-run media will call Maura’s middle-finger salute to taxpaying citizens an “act of courage.” It will be hailed as a “smart” law.

It will also have a devastating effect on the 400 or so licensed gun dealers in the Commonwealth, who generate maybe a billion dollars a year in state tax revenue. Under the law, they’ll basically be reduced to selling only a handful of weapons, and not the big-ticket items that everybody wants.

“What this is like,” says Leary, “would be like telling Ford they can’t sell F-150’s, or telling Subaru they can’t sell Foresters – their most popular models.”

Which of course is another reason for the apparatchiks to attach an emergency preamble onto the legislation – to put most of the centers of resistance out of business before the 2026 question to repeal 4885 onto the ballot.

“Maura Healey is the real threat to democracy,” said Leary.

Just think, Healey et al. do nothing about the crime wave of illegals and, in places like Norfolk County, crooked cops. Last week, yet another illegal Haitian was arrested in Brockton for rape. He’s charged with grabbing a 13-year-old girl who was walking home from middle school.

On Monday, ERO Boston announced they’d grabbed another illegal alien on Martha’s Vineyard, this one an international drug trafficker.

But you don’t need to exercise your Constitutional right to protect yourself, do you? The cops will be there for you, unless they’re rounding up some rubber duckies in Canton.

Sign the petition if you haven’t already. Maura has told us what she thinks of us, and now we have a chance to tell her what we think of her.

Remember in November.