Gov. Maura Healey loves patting herself on the back.
Followers of Healey received a special message from her on Saturday, touting “how the Healey Tax Cuts will save this tax season.”
As Dementia Joe Biden used to say, “No joke!”
According to the Democrat governor, “Massachusetts taxpayers will save over a billion dollars on their 2024 taxes as the Healey Tax Cuts go into full effect!”
Really? Anyone feeling any relief? Anyone? Bueller?
Healey takes credit for increasing the child tax credit, raising the circuit breaker tax credit for seniors, setting up a tax credit for removing lead paint, expanding the tax credit for septic systems, and increasing the rental deduction for renters. Does this reminder help you recognize the Healey relief? Probably not.
These are not tax cuts. They are crumbs, as Nancy Pelosi used to say.
Remember “Maggie’s Farm” by Bob Dylan. Healey is playing the role of Maggie’s brother:
“He hands you a nickel, he hands you a dime/And he asks you with a grin, if you’re havin’ a good time.”
What I remember is that Gov. Healey deep-sixed Chapter 62F. In 2022, when Gov. Charlie Baker had a budget surplus of $3 billion, he sent it back to the people who paid it. Democrats were appalled. How dare taxpayers get their own money back! That money was supposed to people who don’t work – Democrats!
So Healey changed the law into yet another handout of “equal” distribution whether you paid taxes or not. Doesn’t that sound fair?
No reason to cry much over that law change, because there will never be a budget surplus again with Healey in the Corner Office, spending billions of dollars on “migrants,” also known as illegal aliens.
We will be lucky if she doesn’t wipe out the rainy-day account with all her excessive spending.
Healey’s email also claims “Maura has been laser-focused on lowering costs for people.”
Was she laser-focused when she killed the two natural gas pipelines, causing our heating bills to skyrocket?
Was she laser-focused when she proposed the candy tax?
Was she laser-focused when she proposed new taxes on prescription drugs?
Was she laser-focused when she and everybody else in state government didn’t notice that two guys from Stoneham were improperly grabbing $40 million from MassSave. (The Ponzo brothers were just sentenced to more than seven years in prison – by the feds. The local Democrats would never have figured out the scam, because Democrats never do.)
I guess what she meant to say is she is laser-focused on passing out our money to the illegal aliens from the Third World in the crime-ridden foreign-freeloader flophouses to make their lives more affordable.
The truth of the matter is that we are now all paying higher fees for using Uber at Logan, because MassPort needed more revenue to support all the Haitians and others flopping at the airport.
Let’s not forget that her Department of Revenue is working to increase taxes on cable boxes.
Local aid to communities has been short-changed, causing an increase in our local property taxes. Oh, wait, Healey has a plan to help – another plan.
She has filed legislation to allow communities to increase auto excise taxes and local meal option taxes. Why send more local aid to cities and towns to pay for services for law-abiding Americans when you can give still more handouts to illegal-alien criminals already living large on welfare?
There will be no tax relief in Taxachusetts until Healey is booted out of the Corner Office.
Maybe Bob Dylan should update that old song seems so appropriate to modern Massachusetts.
Rename it “Maura’s Farm.” Just rework the lyrics a little:
“They say, ‘Sing while you slave’ and I just get bored/ I ain’t gonna work on Maura’s farm no more.”