Massachusetts’ Wall of Shame

One important lesson of this entire Ricardo Arroyo scandal is that when it comes to very woke female Democrat politicians in Boston, they don’t really Believe All Women.

Or they didn’t, until this morning, when they finally had no choice. Now, a week late and a dollar short, they do Believe All Women – at least those accusing Ricardo Arroyo.

But it took them a lot longer to believe Arroyo’s accusers than it did to Believe All Women who concoct preposterous, totally uncorroborated charges against Republicans, say, Brett Kavanaugh.

Those women, they believed instantly. They still believe them, long after their stories have been debunked.

When it comes to Believing All Women who accuse entitled male Democrats in protected classes who check all the right boxes… not so much. Doesn’t matter how much evidence those women have, including police reports, the female pols have to wait to see how the story “evolves.”

Right, Mayor Michelle Wu? Sen. Elizabeth “the fake Indian” Warren? Rep. Ayanna Pressley? Not to mention a host of lesser, woker local yokels.

They all refused to walk away from Ricardo Arroyo, even as evidence of the sexual allegations against him piled up. Their photos and slobbering endorsements remain on the sleazy hack’s website –

Call that endorsement page The Wall of Shame. They were all swooning, fawning over his fabulousness. Gigi Coletta, the new city councilor from East Boston, went so far as to say she was “thrilled” to endorse Arroyo.

If it weren’t for double standards, these people would have no standards at all.
Here’s another interesting part of this sordid tale – most of the people who stood up for the victims and went against the political establishment are exactly the sort of people the aforementioned Beautiful People absolutely detest as deplorable remnants of Old Boston.
Dorchester City Councilor Frank Baker, this means you! Come on down!
Baker is the guy who stepped up last Friday, as the story appeared to be running out of steam. He announced his intention to file a 17F – basically, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), to force Arroyo’s BFF Mayor Wu to release the police reports on both incidents.
Of course, the order couldn’t officially be filed until the Council session today, and Wu would have had a week to slow-walk the request past the primary next Tuesday. But Baker’s move kept the story alive over the weekend.
And of course, there was blowback for the 12-year Council vet. Another of Ricardo’s dear friends on the Council, Kendra Lara, immediately announced she would file a request for Baker’s own BPD arrest records. (He was lugged for dealing a little weed back in 1994 – big bleepin’ deal these days, right? Just ask Shannon O’Brien of the Cannabis Control Commission.)
Baker is a stand-up guy, obviously. Earlier this year, at a Council hearing, he ripped off his stupid mask and threw it on the floor. No wonder the PC Posse hated him even before he gut-shot the Defund-the-Police candidate.
When Baker filed his 17F on Friday, the doxxers on the Globe message boards were all over him like white on rice. One of the goateed trust-funders called him “vile.”
Odd, isn’t it, that a vile white Irish guy from Dorchester had the stones to Believe All Women and go where the blow-in drifters from Chicago, Oklahoma and parts unknown feared to tread.
Also showing courage by coming out against Arroyo were City Councilors Michael Flaherty and Erin Murphy. But they’d never endorsed the bum. It was tougher for Eddie Flynn, the mayor’s son. He’s the city council president, which as Freddie Langone once said is like being an admiral in the Swiss Navy. Flynn’s photo was on the Wall of Shame.
Flynn likes being the admiral, and Arroyo voted for him in January. Flynn also enjoys being a councilor, like his father before him. Arroyo is, or was, the head of the council’s redistricting committee, so Flynn risked having his district dismembered by doing the right thing. But he rescinded his endorsement anyway.
Good job, Eddie.
Another pol who immediately pulled his endorsement of Arroyo was JoJoJo Kennedy, the bust-out former Congressman. Given the misadventures of his ancestors with women, it must have been tough for JoJoJo to make his move, which he did, instantly.
Kennedy was a big supporter, you may recall, of Monica Cannon-Grant, the now-indicted racist grifter who owned the local BLM franchise, which was quite lucrative for a while, but not so lucrative, according to the federal indictment, that she didn’t feel the need to start stealing large amounts of money, both from private accounts and the Commonwealth.
Unlike the woke women, Kennedy apparently learned his lesson about throwing in with lowlifes just because they check all the boxes.
Iron Workers Local 7 also dropped off the Wall of Shame quickly. Unlike, say, the Boston Teachers Union. They still haven’t rescinded their support of a guy accused of attacking a fellow student at a public school in the city.
I’m wondering how many of the BTU board members knew about these charges before the endorsement. I ask this because I knew about these allegations three years ago, when Arroyo was first running for the district Council seat in Hyde Park.
I tried to pry the reports out of the School Department, but never could. So good work by the Globe. I can only imagine the pressure that was put on the newspaper to hush it up. I’m told there was a deluge of demands to deep-six the story.
Comrades just don’t do this kind of thing to other comrades.
Nobody who spoke up for the victims during this last week is going to get a Profiles in Courage award, obviously, just like there aren’t any Pulitzer Prizes for busting Democrats, especially from protected classes. But at least they can sleep at night.
Another dolt on the Wall of Shame is Sen. Ed Markey, also known as Mr. Frosty. Word is he was starting to get cold feet about his man-crush on Arroyo – Mr. Frosty hates to be on the wrong side of anything. But on Tuesday, when he had a chance to get ahead of the crowd for once, the Man That Time Forgot instead did the safe thing and endorsed a female candidate for the state Senate in the 413 area code named Sydney Levin-Epstein.
Mr. Frosty, go back to Taiwan. You’ll get into a lot less trouble there.
Well, there’s a debate tonight in Mattapan between Arroyo and the incumbent, Kevin Hayden. And there’s a City Council meeting this afternoon. Fireworks, anyone?
The good guys appear to have won, for once. But the problem may be with this early voting thing. I’m told 25 percent of the votes had already been cast before the Globe broke the big story last night around 9.
However, the primary turns out, I still would like to announce my candidate for City Hall Person of the Year.
Frank Baker.