It’s that time of year again!
Right around mid-September, next year’s calendar arrives at the doorstep of nonprofit donors, churchgoers, magazine subscribers, you name it.
The religious calendars note feast days and obligation reminders and include phone numbers and email addresses for your local parish or parochial schools.
The Boys Town calendar slid under the studio door last week. It’s full of wholesome illustrations of happy little sparrows.

The edgiest picture is probably the brazen woodpecker gnawing on a farm fence. In a normal political climate, the recipient wouldn’t think twice about Boys Town’s inclusion of POW/MIA Recognition Day on September 20 or Gold Star Mother’s Day nine days later.

Until very recently, before Catholics and nuclear-family advocates were denounced as “radical traditionalists” by Biden’s weaponized far-left FBI, these calendars were an innocuous addition to the front of your grandmother’s fridge.
Then we laid eyes on the calendar sent to donors of world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital.
You must understand that Mass General is an institution of “science.” Nowadays, “science” means void of spiritual meaning and aggressively, proudly pushing a perverted political agenda.
Before you get to the actual months in the MGH calendar, there’s a message on page one.
“Massachusetts General Hospital…has always pushed the boundaries of what’s possible—and we’re not stopping now.”
You needn’t know about MGH’s Transgender Health Program, with a “focus on gender-affirming care,” to see those boundaries being pushed. It’s plastered all over the calendar.
Presidents’ Day, the key identifier for the three-day weekend, is still listed in February. The birthdays of Washington and Lincoln, usually included on American calendars, are nowhere to be found. Maybe MGH cut the ink budget this year.
However, they aren’t skimping on ink when it comes to springtime, sprinkling in woke holidays that didn’t exist until, well, yesterday.
Easter Sunday, the most important Christian holy day, still gets top billing on the March 31 box. But “Transgender Day of Visibility” stretches itself out across the rest of the rectangle.
The Jewish feast of Passover, falling this year on April 22, ranks second to “Earth Day”—you know, the jamboree first emceed by Ira Einhorn, the environmental nut eventually convicted of murdering his girlfriend and “composting” her body in his closet.
While Mass General neglected to include Flag Day or D-Day, they made sure that Juneteenth and “National Disability Independence Day” (a commemoration of the ADA) are part of your summer celebrations.
And right on cue, their version of October is a slap in the face for Italian Americans. Columbus Day, still a legal holiday in Massachusetts (for now), has been scratched in favor of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
In today’s sensitive society, both usually appear. But the comrades at MGH list the holidays alphabetically, likely to appear disinterested. They decided Mr. C could not get the leading feature, so they scratched his day completely.
Did I mention that Yom Kippur, the high holy day of atonement in Judaism, gets second billing beneath “National Coming Out Day?”
The First Sunday of Advent is too abhorrent for the tolerant eye, so MGH instead chose to feature World AIDS Day. Hopefully you’ll be ready to celebrate after performing all necessary rituals for November 20’s Transgender Day of Remembrance—which I suppose is different than whatever happens on March 31’s Transgender Day of Visibility.
Mass General probably put the celebrations which fall on the same date in alphabetical order so as not to place them in what could be perceived as an order of importance.
The calendar designers may wash their hands clean of Earth Day’s seat atop Passover with the claim that no offense can be taken because the chosen order is void of any religious or patriotic preference. Instead, it’s entirely focused on the first letter of the first word—a scientific, linguistic approach.
This approach is the most offensive of all.
Throughout recorded human history, the intent of a calendar has been to mark months—moon phases—on which to plot important religious feasts. Back when mankind worshipped nature, these feasts revolved around cosmology, the harvest, the solstice, or the equinox.
Tribal religions had their days of atonement, fasting, honor. Christian influence led to widespread celebration — and commercialization — of Christmas. Calendars were created by powerful leaders like Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII.
As Western civilization became more secular, celebrations on the calendar followed suit. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, instituted by President Lincoln, and Independence Day, decreed by Congress, in a religious fashion: large meals, family gatherings, commemoration of ancestry.
Now, according to institutions of “science” like Mass General, citizens are expected to atone for transgressions past and present, spend the entirety of “Pride Month” in a state of celebration, and wish every female-identifying entity a Happy International Women’s Day on March 8—lest we be in a state of sin.
What happens to a calendar is decided by the powerful.
The Left’s warping of the American calendar is a way of displaying their chokehold on our nation and the dismantling of what was once our culture. They are determined to end the American experiment and the pleasant, meaningful celebrations that go with it.
And, how polite, they are sending notice of their destruction through the US mails.