Mask-free John Kerry flouts Logan rules, again

The real question here is, why the hell should John Forbes Kerry be expected to abide by the same rules as the plebeian riff-raff flying commercial?

Why should Liveshot be forced to wear a stupid, worthless mask as if he’s some MAGA-hat-wearing Deplorable who went to a state college and drives a Chevy?

Don’t they know who he is?

Kerry was busted again Monday, at Logan Airport, this time by the Washington Free Beacon. He was photographed sashaying through the security gate sans face diaper, despite the fact that all U.S. air travelers are still required to observe panic protocols about masks.

Again, though, doesn’t Massport know who he is?

He is the haughty John Kerry.

Asked for a comment on this latest faux pas (to use a phrase from his favorite language, French), the State Department yesterday emailed back this terse response:

“We have no comment at this time.”

Why should he comment? He is, after all, John Kerry — of the Social Register, St. Paul’s School, Yale, Skull and Bones, Naushon Island. And that’s just for starters.

As his current State Department biography describes him, he is “our nation’s first Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and the first-ever Principal to sit on the National Security Council entirely dedicated to climate change.”

Not to mention, he is America’s Gigolo.

Unlike President Biden, John Kerry has never had to rely on some allegedly drunk, crack-addled, whore-mongering kid of his to pay for the routine upkeep on his mansions. Kerry has been living large for decades now on his second wife’s first husband’s trust fund.

As Kerry’s hagiography, er, biography continues:

“President Biden announced Kerry would have a seat at every table around the world as he combats the climate crisis to meet the existential threat that we face.”

“A seat at every table” — that is impressive, is it not?

Well, maybe not a seat at every table. He certainly has standing reservations at, say, the Chanticleer Inn on Nantucket or the French Laundry in Yountville, CA — bien sur, as the garcon might say in Bordeaux.

At McDonald’s, though, or Burger King — not so much.

Kerry’s flouting of his beloved Deep State’s own mask rules has become a recurring pattern. He was busted in March in a first-class seat — no mask. Now this. And both involved the airport where he is best known for asking the eternal question that Beautiful People are forever posing to the hoi polloi:

“Do you know who I am?”

How would a psychiatrist analyze such repeated lawless, irresponsible behavior, always in the same place?

The shrink might call Kerry’s mask-phobia a subconscious plea for help.

And the help Kerry is seeking is his own private government plane, as befits someone of his own august status in world affairs.

I mean, to return once more to his Foggy Bottom bio, “In recent years, Kerry was the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s first ever Visiting Distinguished Statesman, following his four years as the 68th United States Secretary of State.”

Which was the time when he enjoyed jet-setting around the world on his own personal jet.

And even before he got the State Department 747 on the arm, Kerry commuted on the Flying Squirrel, a Gulfstream Aerospace jet owned by, you guessed it, his second wife’s first husband’s trust fund.

Once you get accustomed to flying private, it’s tough to go back. Just ask Comrade Bernie Sanders. The socialist firebrand stopped flying commercial about the time he bought his third dacha, the one on Lake Champlain. Bernie spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on his own private MIGs.

Kerry may be stonewalling on his recidivist non-mask-wearing. But he did once answer the question about why someone so (allegedly) worried about global warming or whatever can justify jetting around the world on private jets.

To which Kerry responded:

“If you offset your carbon, it’s the only choice for somebody like me, who is traveling the world to win this battle.”

He’s referring of course, to the battle against ever flying commercial again.