What if someone were publicly murdered in cold blood in the middle of Manhattan and President Trump shrugged it off with this statement?
“You can only push people so far, and then they start to take matters into their own hands.”
But it wasn’t Trump on TV ranting out that vile hate speech. That insurrection-fomenting diatribe was spewed out by the fakest of fake Indians – Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
She’s as phony and as morally bankrupt as her comrades in regime-controlled media. So her Democrat fellow travelers say as one:
Nothing to see here folks, move along.
Being a fake Indian – a racial fraudster, a DEI grifter of the first order – means that Lieawatha can all but do a war-dance around the DNC campfire, waving the bloody scalp of the slain Brian Thompson and whooping it up.
And. Nothing. Happens. Ever.
Like Chief Tecumseh before her, journeying from one tribal ground to tribe spreading hate against Americans in the early 19th century, the fake Indian this week toured failing far-left media, trying to stir up her not-so-young braves.
This has been Sen. Spreading Bull’s m.o. for many, many moons now – since there were more buffalo on the plains than stars in the night sky. She’s even claimed to have led the mindless uprising of Ivy League pukes called “Occupy Wall Street.”
Pocahontas began the week delivering a jeremiad on the ritual murder to a Democrat religious tract called the Huffington Post:
“The visceral response from people across this country who feel cheated, ripped off and threatened by the vile practices of their insurance companies should be a warning to everyone in the health care system.”
A warning?
Whatever happened to smoking the peace pipe? And wasn’t Brian Thompson sort of a… medicine man?
Later, the fake Indian brushed off her multiple stops on the hate-speech circuit with this non-apology:
“Violence is never the answer. Period. I should have been much clearer that there is never a justification for murder.”
Compare Warren’s unhinged comments to what Donald J. Trump said on Jan. 6, for which he was indicted by the Democrats’ Stasi:
“I know everyone here will soon be marching over the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
This murder last week took place in midtown. In January 2016, Trump joked about his popularity that “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any votes.”
Trump was kidding, yet he still gets attacked for saying that – almost nine years later. The fake Indian was serious, but she got a total pass. The Boston Globe even turned off comments on her incendiary calls to violence.
Maybe she’s got a Biden-like problem. It can happen when you get that wrinkly.
As one Internet wag speculated: “Is it possible that ‘high cheekbones’ constrict blood flow to the brain in elderly patients?”
Warren now raises big bucks off the “anger” Americans feel about their lousy health care. Wait, hasn’t she been one of the leading proponents of Obamacare?
As her hero used to say, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your health insurance you can keep your health insurance.
Except you couldn’t.
The Democrats called it the “Affordable Care Act.” Except it wasn’t. According to a new Gallup poll, only 44% of the people rate the health care system as good or excellent, compared to 62% pre-Obamacare.
Only 28% like their insurance coverage, compared to 39% before the Democrats “fixed” it.
With the old pre-Obamacare “bad apple” policies, deductibles in a typical plan averaged $2,425 a year. Now they cost $5,241 on average.
During the debate over the ACA, skeptics used to say, “If you think health care is expensive now, wait ‘til it’s free.”
And now it is free. At least for the 10 million illegal aliens the fake Indian et al. have waved into the country. How’s it working out for you, an American citizen, if you work for a living and pay taxes?
Who’s more responsible for this particular Biden-era calamity of health care – Brian Thompson or Elizabeth Warren?
Sadly, the fake Indian was just reelected on Nov. 5 – when 77 million Americans took matters into their own hands, to coin a phrase. The electorate put an end to the regime that even the New York Times recently described as “a despised status quo.”
Nov. 5 turned out to be a worse massacre for the Democrats than the Battle of Horseshoe Bend was for the Creek nation in 1814.
But somehow, the fake Indian survived this rout. I just wish her GOP opponent John Deaton hadn’t been so down on the Great Orange Father – Donald Trump. Deaton might have come a little closer to sending the fake Indian off to the political Happy Hunting Ground.
As it is, she will now remain on the reservation known as Capitol Hill until she is 81 years old – more ancient even than Little Big Man.
These politicians just can’t let go. The fake Indian doesn’t want to leave, ever. So as her party descends ever further into insanity, she tries to follow the mob. She amps up her rhetoric, as unseemly as it is for someone as privileged, pampered and protected as she is.
She can’t put over the fake tough-guy talk. It doesn’t work for someone who mostly hob nobs in cheese shops in Harvard Square.
Rep. Mike Capuano of Somerville likewise heard the footsteps a decade ago. He went out onto the Common and shook his little Ivy League fist and thundered: “Every once in a while, you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”
Yeah, right, Dartmouth boy. Pretty soon, he was an ex-Congressman. Ignorant as she is, Ayanna Pressley can always out-harangue a rich boy white poseur like Capuano.
Now, Elizabeth Warren hears the same thunder, even if it’s a bit more distant, not until 2030. But the PC posse is coming for the fake Indian, just like they came for Capuano.
And they can’t come soon enough. I can’t wait until she rides off into the sunset and becomes the Vanishing American, literally.
One guy on a message board yesterday summed up the fake Indian perfectly.
“I named my Jeep Elizabeth Warren. It’s white but it calls itself a Cherokee.”