Can we start considering the happy prospect of denaturalizing and then deporting some of our most crooked foreign-born politicians?
I’m talking about you, corrupt Boston City Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson.
Et tu, ex-Sen. Dean Tran, bust-out Republican from Fitchburg.
I know that throwing both these sleazy deadbeats out of the country is a long shot right now.
But like Santa Claus, Donald Trump is coming to town. POTUS is making a list and checking it twice. He’s gonna find out which newcomers to our land have been naughty or nice.
Anderson especially, but also Tran – they’re not so nice, especially to taxpayers.
Let’s be candid about these New Americans. Some of them are okay, but as Trump says, they’re not sending us their best. And that’s an understatement.
Anderson is from Africa, an illegal alien for most of her worthless life. Tran came in as a boat person after the fall of Vietnam.
They are naturalized U.S. citizens, which means they can also be denaturalized – granted, not usually for the kind of run-of-the-mill thievery the two hacks are either charged with or already convicted of.
But consider this press release from the Department of Justice in 2020, written by appointees of the Trump administration who will be back in charge in 40 days:
“The Civil Division’s Denaturalization Section Will Investigate and Litigate the Denaturalization of Terrorists, War Criminals, Sex Offenders and Other Fraudsters.”
Other Fraudsters! Those are the two words all of us law-abiding Massachusetts taxpayers should be hanging our hats on.
Look at the violations listed in Tania’s indictment: “Counts One-Five: Wire Fraud, Aiding and Abetting.”
Consider Tran’s convictions: 20 counts of wire fraud, as well as three counts of filing false tax returns.
If you’re already convicted, or are soon to be convicted of fraud, does that not make you a “fraudster?”
When you google “denaturalization,” you can find references to cases where the G-men went after freeloading Third Worlders who tried to defraud federal agencies.
So check out Tania’s Count Six: “Theft Concerning Programs Receiving Federal Funds.”
Sometimes, when confronted with the prospect of prison, the sinister foreign nationals will “self-deport.”
That doesn’t appear very likely here for Tania, although you think that she would be eager to escape the racism she claims she’s endlessly encountered since first coming to America at age 10 to begin her lifetime taxpayer-funded vacation.
Recall her screaming at City Hall the first time the honkies came down on her for illegally funneling taxpayer cash to her sister and son:
“What the bleep do I have to do in this bleeping Council in order to get respect as a black woman?”
Maybe you should go back to where you came from. It’s up to you (right now), but if it’s really that oppressive here in what your co-religionists call The Great Satan….
Just in case Tania does decide to flee “AmeriKKKa,” I pray The Man hasn’t confiscated her passport. As a matter of fact, if she wants to take on the lam, I’d be happy to chip in to get her a one-way ticket back to the Dark Continent.
As for Tran, I include him in this column only because I’m seeking the traditional “bipartisan support” for my common-sense proposal.
Tran, God help us, is a Republican, even if he is a charter member of the local GOP’s Kool Aid Kult, led by knuckleheads and crackpots like Geoff “DoorDash” Diehl and Jim Jones Lyons.
You can tell Tran is a Kool Aid Kultist – he can’t get elected dogcatcher anymore, and his future prospects are even bleaker, after his convictions for COVID welfare fraud and income tax evasion.
By the way, what is it exactly with these foreign-born politicians not paying their taxes? Like Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral, who once had an $11,000 lien for unpaid taxes on his house. He’s from the Azores.
For obvious reasons, I referred to him as “Rep. AFDC.”
Supposedly a criminal foreigner can only be denaturalized for such crimes as treason or immigration fraud (paging Rep. Ilhan Omar). But so what? Under the Constitution, Biden wasn’t supposed to be able to… ignore all immigration laws for four years, leading to the catastrophe we now face.
Under the law, he shouldn’t have been allowed to cancel billions of dollars of student-loan debt run up by filthy, worthless hippies.
Or to use lawfare against Republicans.
Who cares about precedents? Why not try to deport some assorted “Fraudsters?”
I mean, it’s not just the streets of Massachusetts that are overrun with these foreign criminals. They’re obviously marauding through Boston City Hall and the State House as well.
They’re everywhere, stealing everything that isn’t nailed down when they’re not committing violence against us.
As a “city councilor,” Tania has been legally pocketing $115,000, legally. But it wasn’t enough. She doesn’t get much help from her husband, Tanzerious Anderson, who is doing a life sentence for the first-degree murder of a legal alien in cold blood as he pleaded for his life.
Tania is flat broke, according to the G-men, behind on her car payments and rent, overdrawn at the bank.
Forget denaturalization, she should renounce her U.S. citizenship and go back to living on welfare like almost every other illegal alien in Massachusetts.
Even better, they never get pinched for anything. The Democrat politicians offer them police protection. On the vanishingly rare occasions they do get lugged, they don’t even have to pay for their own lawyers.
Consider the Healey hotels – the flophouses for Biden’s illegal aliens that are costing Massachusetts taxpayers close to $2 billion a year.
If Tania checks into any of the flophouses, she won’t just get free room and board, free dental and medical care, but also free Ubers as well as same-day dry cleaning services. She could enjoy a fresh, clean new hijab every morning. On the infidels!
Everything free in America. Especially if you’re an illegal alien, or used to be one, until you made the worst mistake of your life and became a US citizen, meaning, you must actually support yourself. At least after sanity returns Jan. 20.
Once again, thank you Donald J. Trump.