It’s Time to Work Harder Than Ever to Elect Republicans

Do you remember the Red Wave of 2022 that did not happen?

We got overconfident and took our collective foot off the gas pedal. Logically, how could any taxpayer vote for legislators who supported the Biden/Harris agenda? They did and we barely won the U.S. House and couldn’t retake the Senate.

We cannot allow overconfidence to snatch away victory from us once again.

President Trump is looking good for November 5, especially when Democrat candidates are touting their support for his policies. Most of the polls show our former President ahead in the battle-ground states. With a candidate who always runs way ahead of his polling numbers, the status of the presidential race looks extremely promising. 

But we are still dealing with Democrats who will do anything to hold on to power. There is nothing that they won’t attempt to keep Trump out of the White House and Republicans from regaining control of the Senate.


Just look at what is happening locally. Sen. Julian Cyr of Provincetown, who has been one of the strongest advocates for “migrants,” is now back-tracking. He even went so far to say in a recent debate “Massachusetts is not a sanctuary state.”

What? Cyr co-sponsored the bill to make the Commonwealth a sanctuary state.

Cyr is just one example. Other Massachusetts Democrats are now flip-flopping on the migrant crisis.

Last night, Ranked Choice Voting held a nationwide online rally to encourage liberal nuts to vote. The League of Women Vultures is not neutral. That non-profit is pushing the radical woke agenda. Even the Realtors have sold out to the Deep State. 

They are going to pull out all the stops to hang on to power.

We need to hold every Democrat accountable. All of them. There are no exceptions.

There are only 13 days left, so everyone needs to take a few hours out to help the Donald and our Republican candidates. How?

  • Vote. 
  • Take five common-sense people with you to vote.
  • Monitor an early-voting station for a couple of hours to help ensure the integrity of the election.
  • Text, call or email your friends urging them to vote Republican.
  • Hold a sign.
  • Put a sign on your lawn.
  • Flash signs on water towers.
  • Be a 30-second volunteer by sharing, liking, and commenting on GOP candidates’ social media.
  • Donate to our Republican candidates.
  • Most importantly, if you see something at the polls, take a picture or do a video. Don’t let them disenfranchise us.

It might be looking good now, but these Democrats will not stop. They are terminators. They are men (and women) of unsleeping malevolence, as (Democrat) Billy Bulger used to say in a somewhat different context.

It is going to take a united effort on every single one of us to reclaim our country and begin restoring common sense to the State House.