If Democrats stop lying they’ll fix their broken messaging

If Democrats stop lying they’ll fix their broken messaging

The Democrats are having a problem with messaging, and I have a suggestion for them.

Stop lying.

Stop treating the American people with such open contempt. Cut the condescension.

Your candidate may have, as Mel Gibson put it so well last week, “the IQ of a fence post.”

But most voters don’t.

The Big Lie has worked well for them for a very long time, but the Internet has made the Big Lie a lot smaller.

Donald Trump is slimed 24/7 on state-run media, but the fact is, nobody’s watching them anymore. Who wants to be lied to, endlessly?

This was a point he and Joe Rogan kept coming back to in their three-hour gabfest Friday. Trump’s enemies have zero credibility left. Who cares who these religious tracts posing as newspapers endorse? Nobody reads them anymore.

Same with the cable fake-news networks — their ratings are lower than whale excrement.

“I don’t think people are buying it,” Trump told Rogan with a shrug. “It’s not even believable.”

The Democrats’ FBI has been lying about the ongoing steep increases in violent crime, right up until the moment they couldn’t hide the real carnage anymore.

Ditto with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) about employment. Every month the BLS “adjusts” the number of new hires from the previous month — down.

Then there’s that same BLS Consumer Price Index, which the Democrats always say is totally showing no inflation, even though it excludes gasoline, food, medical expenses, travel and rent.

And the Democrats wonder why everybody yawns when they call Trump a “fascist.”

They claim Trump wants to put them all in prison, even though they’re trying to… put him in prison.

They say he’ll suspend the Constitution and defy the Supreme Court, as they create national chaos by not enforcing immigration laws, setting up race-based handouts and doling out $200 billion in student-loan giveaways despite court rulings that their actions are unconstitutional.

Despite video evidence, Kamala Harris denies that she ever endorsed defunding the police, doing away with ICE, unconstitutionally confiscating firearms, raising bail money for bloodthirsty thugs…

And what she can’t deny, say, endorsing sex-change operations for illegal aliens in prison, or allowing mass-murdering terrorists to vote, she just shrugs and says:

“I’ll follow the law.”

She and all the rest of the Democrats say Trump will “weaponize” the Justice Department, after they’ve weaponized the DOJ to go after abortion-clinic protesters, parents angry about males in girls’ school bathrooms, Catholics who dare to go to Latin Masses, etc. etc.

The Democrats say Trump tried to foment an “insurrection” on Jan. 6. But they engineered a coup of their own against the sitting president, who was ousted from his reelection bid despite getting 14 million votes in the primaries.

Kamala Harris lies that no US troops are stationed in combat zones.

They say cops were murdered on Jan. 6 — another lie.

They harrumph that Trump is a Nazi but then at least three of their Senate candidates run TV ads about how much legislation they got passed while working with Hitler, er Trump.

They say everyone should pay their “fair share” of income taxes… except Hunter Biden.

Kamala Harris went to high school in the poshest neighborhood in Montreal, but claims she’s “out of Oakland.”

Hillary Clinton and James Carville say Trump in New York Sunday will be “reenacting” and “mimicking” the 1939 pro-Hitler rally at Madison Square Garden, while not mentioning all the Democrat national conventions that have been held there, including the 1992 one where Bill Clinton was nominated for president.

They endlessly preach “Coexist” and “Celebrate Diversity.”

But when two Christians showed up at one of their sparsely-attended events in Wisconsin and yell “Christ is Lord!” Kamala sneered that they’d come to the wrong rally.

She snubbed the Al Smith dinner for Catholic Charities and then told one of her state-run media interviewers that Catholic hospitals shouldn’t be exempted from having to perform abortions.

But they love Christians. Just ask them.

The Democrats lied to us for four years about how Joe Biden was “sharp as a tack.”

They told us that all the videos of Biden stumbling around, babbling nonsense, mixing up names, dates and countries, denouncing “trillionaires,” lying about everything up to and including how cannibals ate his uncle, trying to shake hands with ghosts, saying repairing the Baltimore bridge would cost “60 zillion dollars” — the Democrats claimed everything you saw with your own two eyes was just “deep fakes” and “misinformation.”

Lying? I’ll give you some more lying.

During the COVID Panic, the Democrats spent $911 million in public funds to disseminate false information, much of which was then employed to fire or cancel Americans who merely wanted to tell the truth or objected to taking dangerous experimental jabs for a not-very-dangerous virus.

The Democrats flat-out lied that more Americans died of COVID under Trump than under Biden.

They lectured us that “Nobel Prize winning” economists said the Biden-Harris regime’s Build Back Better $4.8 trillion bucket of welfare handouts wouldn’t spark the worst destabilizing inflation in 40 years.

Now, after real inflation is up perhaps as much as 30 percent, the Democrats tout those same “Nobel prize winning” economists as saying Kamala Harris has a better economic plan than Trump’s.

The Democrats deny that there are only two genders, and accuse anyone who states the obvious truth of engaging in hate speech.

Before he became too demented to speak in public, Joe Biden bragged that he’d “cut” the deficit, or the national debt, depending on the day.

The reality is, in the first three years of the Trump administration, the deficit was $2.4 trillion, and in Biden’s first three years, it was $5.8 trillion.

Democrats lie, and fact-checkers yawn.

The Democrats call billions in new welfare payments “tax credits,” and lavish them out to shiftless losers, many of them illegal aliens, who don’t work and never will.

And yet the Democrats call themselves the party of the “working class,” even though, to repeat, most of them don’t have real jobs.

We all understand why Kamala Harris isn’t capable of sitting down with Joe Rogan, or anybody else who doesn’t have, like her, the IQ of a fence post.

But it’s not too late for Kamala to do a photo-op at the drive-thru window of a fast-food hamburger joint. Forget McDonald’s. Saying she worked there was just another of Kamala’s Democrat lies, Stolen McValor.

Instead, Kamala should put in a shift at Burger King. It would perfectly fit with what her party is all about.

Burger King — Home of the Whopper.