How You Can Work to Make a Difference in MA Ahead of Election Day

Gov. Maura Healey is counting on you sitting on the sidelines for the next 41 days, after which she can ramp up her woke agenda in November.

Now I know many of us feel that Massachusetts is hopeless, but we cannot give up on the Cradle of Liberty. For the next 41 days, we need to take time out of our usual routine to help the conservative cause. 

What can you do?

There are only 14 days left to sign the petition to repeal H.4885 — the so-called Act Modernizing Gun Laws. 

Toby Leary and the Civil Rights Coalition has mounted a terrific effort to stop this unconstitutional law that takes away our Second Amendment rights. If this effort gets the required 50,000 certified signatures, not only will the issue be on the statewide ballot for a vote in 2026, but the law will be suspended for two years! With enough of our signatures, we can take back our rights. 

Have you signed yet? It will take only a few moments of your day to sign the petition.  Here are links to learn where to sign – or

Help a Republican legislative campaign.

To stop the squandering of billions in welfare on the illegal aliens in flophouses across the state, we need more Republicans in the legislature to vote to amend the Right to Shelter Law. This is the year we can make great gains, because every poll shows that the Healey hotels are the top issue on the minds of Massachusetts voters. By electing just a few more Republicans, we can stop her. How can that be when we are so outnumbered?  Before Peter Durant was elected to the State Senate, there were only three Republican votes in the upper body opposing the illegal-alien insanity.  None of the Democrats were crossing the aisle. After Durant won his special election, the votes for amending the Right to Shelter Law grew to 10 in the Senate. In other words, the Democrats heard the footsteps – our footsteps. If we can elect more Republicans, other Democrats will flip, realizing that voters are not in favor of Healey hotels. 

These legislative seats are the most critical races in Massachusetts this year.  Please volunteer for campaigns such as Kelly Dooner for State Senate, Matt Muratore for State Senate, and Ken Sweezey for State Representative, all of whom are running for open seats. On the Cape, common-sense Republican Chris Lauzon is running against radical Sen. Julian Cyr of Provincetown. Susanne Conley is running against Rep. Kip Diggs, who got caught lying about voting for migrants ahead of veterans.  Also on the Cape, Marine vet Jerry O’Connell is trying to take out incumbent Rep. Chris “Flim Flam” Flanagan, who was fined thousands of dollars by state regulators for running scams in his 2022 campaign. There are many other good Republicans to help – including Rep. Steve Xiarhos, a GOP incumbent being challenged in the Fifth Barnstable District.

Beyond volunteering your time, think about making a donation or putting up a lawn sign.

A donation and a sign help the candidates get their message out. A sign is worth $400 in free advertising. 

Maura Healey is hoping you will ignore this appeal for help and sit on the sidelines, so she can continue in to transform our state into a Third World country! Massachusetts is the birthplace of liberty. Let’s not allow Healey to end it.

I hope to see you on the campaign trail or signing the petition before Oct. 9.