Help Stop Healey’s Gun-Grab Law

Time is short, but it’s doable if 600K gun owners mobilize

Hey MA Legislature…your inner tyranny is showing!

They’re coming after the Second Amendment again. They just can’t help themselves. And we must stop them.

They’ve tried this before, in 2016, led by then-AG and now Gov. Maura Healey. But this year’s unconstitutional attempt at “gun control” is much, much worse.

It is time for the people of Massachusetts to step up and put an end to this abomination of a law that would strip you and your family of that most basic and fundamental right to self-defense.

There is a saying in the self-defense world: “NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!” This now applies to our civil rights. We can wring our hands and wait for the courts to finally come to our rescue and preserve our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Or we can take matters into our own hands and become part of an immediate solution. So many here in MA feel their voices are never heard. They attend rallies, write letters, send emails, make phone call and put out yard signs.

They vote on election day and donate to pro-2A groups. Many of you attended one or another of the legislature’s “listening” tour stops where we learned that, as the old saying goes, “The door is open but the mind is closed.”

It is time to act. We must let our voices be heard and our votes be counted. We can be a part of the constitutional process to recall this bill, through the referendum process.

With the submission by Oct. 9 of 49,716 certified signatures of registered voters concerned about the future not just of the Second Amendment, but of all our inalienable, God-given rights, we can stop this terrible law from going into effect.

If, in the next four to five weeks, we can succeed in this mad dash, we will suspend this gun-grab from becoming law. The repeal question will be added to the statewide ballot in 2026, and the law’s implementation will be halted until the 2026 election.

And a lot can happen in two years.

But we must mobilize now. Again, this is a sprint, not a marathon. We need all hands on deck to get these signatures – at gun shops, sportsmen’s clubs, in supermarket parking lots, at town recycling facilities, etc.

Please help. If you want more information, visit and Call The Civil Rights Coalition at 978 481-6990 or email them at

There are 600,000 licensed gun owners in the Commonwealth. They are responsible for virtually none of the gun violence in Massachusetts, and the politicians on Beacon Hill know it.

But they are trying to make us the scapegoats for their failed policies. It is illogical, insulting and just plain wrong. This horrible legislation was hammered out behind closed doors, and then signed with great fanfare.

Virtue signaling abounded yet again at the State House. House Speaker Ron Mariano said a potential NRA challenge would be a “badge of honor.”

The “architect” of the law, Democrat Rep. Michael Day, harrumphed: “To those who have already rushed forward to say that they will challenge this law in the courts, I say, bring it on.”

Day attacked those of us attempting to repeal this unconstitutional measure as “extreme groups.”

Last weekend those “extreme groups” held a peaceful rally on Boston Common, and guess what? No violence, no trash left behind, and most notably, no police presence!

I saw two BPD officers stop by on bikes for a few minutes and then leave. The fact that police knew they didn’t need to have a heavy presence at the Gun Rally is yet more confirmation of what everybody already knows:

An armed society is a peaceful society.

We must stop these elected despots, and the only way to do so is by getting the 49,716 signatures by Oct. 9.

If not now, when? If not us, who? We must act. We must rein in these foes of the Constitution by telling them not one more inch. We are on the right side of history. We merely ask that our elected officials comply with their sacred oath: To uphold and defend the Constitution…against all enemies… foreign and domestic. 

If you have ever been to a high school or college hockey game, you recall that when the visitors commit a penalty, the students all chant in unison: “YOU CAN’T DO THAT” as the refs skate them to the penalty box.

It is time to remind the political establishment of that!


In 1789, Gov. Sam Adams of Massachusetts wrote of the new Constitution:

“Said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”

Please join our struggle to preserve our rights.

Again, for more information please visit: and

(Toby Leary is co-owner of Cape Gun Works in Hyannis. He will be joining Howie on his show at Cape Gun Works Friday.)