Gov. Healey Tight-Lipped on Illegal Immigrant Background Check Results

Now we know who the Biden/Harris administration has been letting into our nation at the southern border.

As Donald Trump pointed out in 2015, “They’re not sending us their best.” 

They’re sending us the worst of the worst!

According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a federal agency, 425,431 are convicted criminals. Another 222,141 of the illegals have felony charges pending. Convicted murderers account for 13,099 with another 1845 have murder charges pending. Even more — 15,811 — have been convicted of sexual assaults. Another 2521 are convicted kidnappers. 

These numbers are staggering and scary, because many of them are here in the Commonwealth, which offers illegals the most generous cradle-to-grave welfare among the 50 states – the full Tsarnaev, as it’s known.

And now we know why Gov. Maura Healey has blocked every public records request that Sen. Peter Durant and Taunton City Councilor Kelly Dooner have made.

Last spring, in response to the rape allegedly committed in an illegal-immigrant hotel in Rockland, Gov. Healey announced she was doing background checks on all individuals being placed in the foreign flophouses.

Following President Ronald Reagan’s philosophy of trust-but-verify, both Durant and Dooner filed public FOIA requests for information from the Healey administration. They got nothing but the run-around. Here is just one example of a response Dooner received:

Dooner filed this request first with the Office for Housing and Livable Communities and was told they had no data on background checks. Their response was to send her a link on how to apply to get housing. Knowing that Administration and Finance (A&F) oversees most of the state’s agencies, Dooner followed up by filing her request with A&F and you can see the dodge!

By simple calculations of dividing 425,431 by 50, our state has at least 8508 convicted criminals, with 261 of them being murderers!  However, the Commonwealth is a magnet state giving out hotel rooms, EBT cards, transportation, and everything under the sun for free. That means my original estimates are most likely low-ball.

Hence we can easily conclude that Gov. Healey lied to all of us when she claimed background checks were being done on every single illegal immigrant!  There is no data for Durant and Dooner to get. 

Worse yet, last year the Governor urged law-abiding MA citizens to take these criminals into their homes. 

I wish we could recall Healey. The best we can do is vote out every Democrat legislator in November – at least the ones who have Republican opponents.