Freeloaders pillage with impunity in Massachusetts

Once again, the feds move in to clean up another Massachusetts law-enforcement mess created by the state’s toxic one-party political system.

This time, it’s the arrest by Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) of an illegal alien from Haiti charged with raping an underage girl in Rockland.

The good news is, the freeloading foreign fiend is back in custody. The bad news is, Corey Alvarez might now be deported back to his Third World bleep hole without having to face state felony charges here.

He was supposed to be back in court yesterday, but ICE lugged him in Brockton, where he’s been flopping of late.

The district attorney of Plymouth County wants him convicted of his unspeakable crimes. But then, Tim Cruz is a Republican, the last elected GOP prosecutor in the state.

As for most of the local Democrats in “law enforcement,” their most pressing issue is to make sure Karen Read is sent to prison for the rest of her life for a crime she not only didn’t commit, but has also been acquitted of at least once.

I’m just glad that ICE lugged this Corey Alvarez, although who really knows if that’s his name. That’s another thing the pols don’t care about, as long as he registers to vote… Democrat.

Why is it that local Democrats care so little about any crimes, especially the ones committed by themselves?

For instance, the two unsolved murder cases in the Town of Canton, both with ugly corrupt-cop vibes about them.

And what about the endless corruption in law enforcement, including, but not limited to, the State Police and the Boston PD. No interest whatsoever by state or local prosecutors, ever. Always left to the G-men.

Same with the two high-end whorehouses in Cambridge and Watertown, with all their affluent Democrat johns, whom the feds are trying to bring to trial, while the local Democrat prosecutors drag their feet because… professional courtesy.

Ask yourself: Why is it that 98% of televised perp walks in Massachusetts happen on Northern Avenue outside the federal courthouse in South Boston, and the other 2% are everywhere else in the state?

How complete is the breakdown of law and order in Massachusetts?

So toxic that the feds charged with trying to clean up the Augean stables of corruption here work for a Democrat administration in Washington.

Yesterday, it was ICE – the agency Kamala Harris used to want to abolish before she didn’t – grabbing the welfare-leeching illegal who’s been accused of raping an underage female at the flophouse he’d been living in in Rockland.

He’d been out on a $500 bond. Five hundred bucks – for an alleged rape of a child!

Do you recall the initial reaction of local Democrats to this horrific crime against a child?

Gov. Maura Healey shrugged.

“It is unfortunate from time to time things will happen.”

GOP District Attorney Cruz asked for $25,000 bail. The judge, a lunatic named Mary Sullivan, cut it to $500.

She really put the fear of God into the Third World thug, sternly lecturing him.

“(She) advised him,” one account said, “to continue his Bible studies and his English language courses if possible.”

His Bible studies! And why would any of them ever bother to learn English when they collect thousands a month in welfare without ever having to use their free tablets for anything except to watch porn all day?

Things have gotten so bad in Massachusetts that it’s like the old Don Henley song, Dirty Laundry.

“You don’t really need to find out what’s goin’ on / You don’t really wanna know just how far it’s gone / Just leave well enough alone.”

That’s certainly the attitude of almost everyone at the higher levels of Massachusetts’ government. The Democrat pols all want to give every crime committed by an illegal alien a good leaving-alone. They just make sure the amigos get a public defender, an interpreter and a private detective – all on the taxpayers’ dime.

When it comes to American taxpayers, though, it’s all hands on deck to make sure Karen Read goes to the can. Or to protect all the rich johns in Watertown and Cambridge from being shamed. Or to keep the lid on ever finding out whether Sandra Birchmore was murdered in, where else, Canton.

Illegal alien crimes, though?

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Given the feds’ own miserably corrupt track record in Massachusetts, it’s hard to imagine that in many cases they have become the thin blue line – the only thin blue line.

Let me put it this way: who do you trust more, Acting U.S. Atty. Josh Levy, or Norfolk County District Attorney Michael “Meatball” Morrissey?

Of course, the feds have their problems as well – look at the recent break-in at the salon in Pittsfield by the Secret Service. The agents were even accused of stealing stuff off the owner’s desk. And some of the agents after using the salon’s bathroom… left the toilet seat up.

So who knows if Corey Alvarez will be deported before he goes to prison here? If they send him home, I just hope he can continue his Bible studies when trying to evade the local cannibals.

But if he does go back to Haiti, we know there’s one thing he’ll have to do that he never, ever had to do in Massachusetts.

He’ll have to get a job and work for a living.