Every American should agree on illegal immigration

Every American should agree on illegal immigration

I’m a first generation American. My Dad immigrated to America after meeting my Mom at a pub in England in the early 1970’s. They met, they fell in love and decided to get married. Unfortunately for my parents, my Dad was not allowed to come to America with my Mom for nearly a year due to immigration laws, at the time. Oh boy, how things have changed.

The story of my parents meeting was the first time I was exposed to what immigration was and meant and I learned that at a very early age. Through history classes in school, I learned a lot more about it. I fully understood that America is a country of immigrants. Unless you’re one of the estimated 4-7 million indigenous people living in the United States (according to IWGIA), 98% of Americans descend from immigrants. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.

Over the last several years, we have been bombarded with stories about illegal immigration in America and it’s an extremely controversial issue. From millions of illegal immigrants flooding our southern border, to stories of horrific crimes being committed by those with extensive criminal backgrounds who should never be in our country, to cities paying millions and breaking local budgets to house illegal immigrants, it’s an endless news cycle.

All of these stories are worthy of several questions. Who really thinks this is OK? Who are the American citizens who think it makes sense to let people illegally invade our country and wreak havoc? What ever happened to legal immigration? It all depends on who you ask.

Immigration has become one of the hottest political debates and there’s a good reason for that. There are two sides. One side welcomes legal immigration and wants law abiding, smart, hard-working people who believe in American values to come to our country the right way. Unfortunately, there’s another side that has completely opposite views and thinks it’s acceptable for anyone, with any background, from any country, to enter our country illegally.

I thoroughly enjoy debating immigration with people. I’ve always found it fascinating to try and understand how anyone can justify people breaking laws by invading our country illegally. After I listen to opposing views, I always suggest the following. Drive to Pittsburg, NH, park your car, run across the Canadian border and see what happens. Better yet, take a flight to Jordan, head to the border of Israel and try running across the border. 

What do you think would happen if you attempted to cross another country’s border illegally? Here’s the reality. You will be cuffed, stuffed, thrown in a van and get brought back to where you came from. If you’re lucky, you won’t be physically assaulted, but I’d count on that happening. You’d also likely be barred from ever entering that country again in your life.

Our country is divided on many issues. There are certain core beliefs that define a republican and a democrat. However I sincerely struggle with illegal immigration being an issue that republicans and democrats can’t see eye to eye on. 

There’s a theory that the Biden administration opened the southern border and allowed mass illegal immigration in order to change the fabric and culture of America. There’s a similar theory that the border was opened up to allow illegal immigrants into America who would eventually turn into voters and sway the democrat vote forever. I’ve even heard people say they believe that democrats hate the core values of America so much that they don’t care what happens.  Personally, I believe there is some truth in all three of those theories.