Dem scream tunnel at confirmation hearings

Dem scream tunnel at confirmation hearings

The Democrats are flailing right now. They don’t know what to do. People are laughing at them even though they didn’t come here to be made sport of.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, the minority leader from New York, said this on Wednesday:

“People are aroused. I haven’t seen people so aroused in a very, very long time.”

I’m not making this up. That’s what Schumer said. He was “aroused.” It was perhaps Schumer’s most memorable quote since 2021 when he claimed that Trump “incited the erection.”

His counterpart in the House, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, had earlier echoed his fellow New Yorker’s stirring rhetoric:

“We will fart hard!” he declaimed.

They’re contemptible buffoons, obviously, in the tradition of such Empire State stalwarts as Eliot (Client No. 9) Spitzer and Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner.

But can you think of any Democrat – national or local – who has been covering themselves in glory since Jan. 20? All they want to talk about is Jan. 6 or maybe the price of eggs, as in, why hasn’t Trump lowered the price of eggs yet? He’s had eight days!

If the Democrats were a pro football team, as somebody pointed out yesterday, they’d be in the concussion protocol right now. And they wouldn’t be coming out of that tent on the sideline any time soon. I don’t think any Democrats will be ready for the second-half kickoff.

A poll just came out from Quinnipiac University, hardly a MAGA stronghold, surveying the favorable/unfavorable ratings of both parties.

You’re asking about politicians, so nobody is going to do very well. But in this survey, the GOP had 43 percent favorable to 45 percent unfavorable.

Democrats came in at 31-57, unfavorable. Yikes.

The Democrats are so desperate that they’re turning on each other – another indication they’re less a political party these days in a cult. Cults have this unfortunate tendency to really turn on… apostates, or heretics. They make them into martyrs.

Look at what his own family did to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. His first cousin, Caroline, called him a “predator” and said he was “addicted” – to power, but c’mon. How can any Kennedy use such words to describe a kinsman?

Then there was Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who went to law school with Bobby.

“Frankly,” Whitehouse sniffed, “you frighten people.”

Whitehouse did indeed sound frightened, almost as if he’d seen a Catholic trying to get a sloe gin fizz at Bailey’s Beach Club in Newport – one of his very favorite no-blacks, no-Jews, no-Catholics-need-apply social clubs.

“It’s a long tradition in Rhode Island,” Whitehouse once explained with a smirk.

The Democrats seem to have learned nothing from the 2024 election. They don’t know how to speak to, for lack of a better term, normal Americans.

It’s not just their obsession with the price of eggs, or Jan. 6. Even in their throw-away comments, they show how utterly out of touch they are. Yesterday, it was 80-year-old Sen. Dick Durbin who said, “I woke up listening to National Public Radio….”

So did two or three people on Brattle Street in Cambridge. And no one else.

Durbin, who no doubt owns an NPR tote bag, attacked Kash Patel, the nominee for FBI director, for peddling what he called “conspiracy theories.”

Does Durbin not understand that everyone paying attention knows that after a decade of Democrat/media lies, the only thing more likely to be true than a “conspiracy theory” is a “debunked conspiracy theory” – and sure enough, moments later Durbin mentioned the dreaded d-word.

When GOP Sen. John Kennedy from Louisiana got his five minutes, he pointed out to Patel that, “Right now, I think the score is conspiracy theories 37, everything else nothing.”

Another thing Democrats don’t seem to have figured out yet is social media. They behave like it’s still 1973, and these are the Watergate hearings, with no one at home being able to correct the record in real time for millions of people.

Thus, as Bobby Kennedy was being denounced by, among others, 83-year-old Bernie Sanders and the 75-year-old fake Indian, keyboard warriors were posting public records showing how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they’d been paid by Big Pharma to do their dirty work.

Sen. Sam Ervin never had to undergo such indignities. And God knows that back in the day, the Daily Worker would never have outed Comrade Sanders as the running-dog capitalist roader that he so obviously is.

They have recesses in these hearings. As wrinkly as these Democrats are, they must have at least a few aides under the age of 50 who, you know, follow X or Instagram and see how silly their senior-citizen solon bosses seem.

When Whitehouse says he’s worried about the FBI becoming “partisan and blindly loyal and servile and won’t say no,” does he not understand that he’s precisely describing how corrupt the G-men were under the Biden regime? It’s projection to the max.

But no, the Democrats just keep running the same plays. And it’s always three-and-out.

Remember the COVID Panic? How could anyone forget. Democrats sent millions to Red China to pay for engineering a virus that the Communists then unleashed. And then last week their president pardoned the monster who masterminded the conspiracy that killed millions.

On Wednesday, Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii claimed that RFK Jr. wanted to “replicate” the Tuskegee Experiment. Seriously, Bobby wants to infect Americans with syphilis and then not treat them? Do you really believe that, Senator?

“I truly believe if he runs Health and Human Services millions will die!”

Stop me if you’ve heard that one before. Dr. Anthony Fauci could not be reached for comment.

Yesterday, the Patel hearings broke for lunch. I wondered if someone would finally clue them in on how badly they were doing. Then it was the turn of Sen. Peter Welch of Vermont. He’s a young whippersnapper among Senate Democrats. He doesn’t turn 78 until May.

“January 6,” he began, “was a catastrophe….”

Hey, what do I know? Maybe it plays well on National Panhandler Radio. But personally, I agree with Hakeem Jeffries. I think they should just fart harder.