Carrots for cons, the stick for cops over vaccines

Last Thursday, Gov. Charlie Baker and his lieutenant governor, Karyn “Pay to Play” Polito, journeyed to Worcester to support the Massachusetts State Police at the 86th graduation of the latest academy class.

“We will always be with you,” Polito intoned. “We know you have our back and we have yours.”

That was Thursday morning. On Friday night, Baker and Polito began the process of firing the same people whose backs they had so loudly claimed they had.

Polito to the State Police on Thursday: “(We) are so grateful that there are people like you willing and able to put your uniform on every day and go out, do the work no matter what faces you in the face of great uncertainty.”

On Friday night, they sent this email to the very same people:

“Please be advised that your request for a medical exemption from compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order 595 has been reviewed by the Department of State Police and the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security and is hereby DENIED.”

From heroes to zeroes — in 24 hours. Pay to Play and the governor Dementia Joe Biden calls “Charlie Parker” had the cops’ backs all right — just like Brutus had Julius Caesar’s.

As Parker intoned at the DCU Center: “This is in many ways a difficult time to be in public safety.” That was certainly the truth, but then he had the gall to add with a straight face:

“You will be supported.”

Even by the standards of the Parker-Polito regime, the duplicity is breathtaking.

So the State Police, and the prison guards, and thousands of other Massachusetts state employees – as well as thousands more across the Commonwealth – are denied medical or religious exemptions from the shot, and now face the loss of their livelihoods.

The staties have been given three days to get the jab, after which, the suspensions begin. And you know how it ends. Some cops are already headed back to their old municipal police departments where, in many cases, they can take weekly tests to comply with the Deep State’s diktats.

The tests don’t mean anything, but then, how much is a shot really worth? One trooper was in a medically induced coma after getting his jab two weeks ago.

One of the MSP brass, who is well-known to the governor, got both his shots in the winter, then suffered a stroke in early March. Since June, he’s been out on disability.

Do these medical problems have anything to do with the experimental vaccines? Who knows for sure? But can you blame anyone for having their doubts? The troopers’ union cited the case of a member who’d had Bell’s palsy from an earlier jab. His doctor told him not to get it. So what? DENIED.

As the pro forma denials continue:

“The medical documentation provided by your health care provider does establish that a medical necessity precludes you from safely receiving any of the three currently available COVID-19 vaccines.

“Notwithstanding this medical necessity, because the Department is unable to provide you with a reasonable accommodation we are unable to grant your request for an exemption. An accommodation would cause undue hardship….”

Undue hardship. This is the same administration, remember, that offered violent imprisoned felons 7.5 days off their sentences if they’d get the jab. This was in January, proposed by the clueless $169,371-a-year commissioner, Carol A. Mici, who gushed to her clients, er, convicts:

“I look forward to the day when we can return to our normal activities and social outlets.”

That crackpot offer was quickly rescinded, but the screws remember it, because they’re under the same mandate as the staties. The only carrots are for cons, the stick is for the cops.

“Anyone can see where law enforcement and public safety stand in the pecking order now,” the correctional officers’ union said Monday. “Your individual rights be damned. Your religious beliefs and medical wishes can take a seat on the bench too.”

The cops ask for no special treatment. They ask only to be given the same opportunities as the jailbirds in Charlie Parker’s prisons.

Welfare deadbeats don’t have to get a shot to continue feeding at the trough. Ditto, illegal aliens. Members of Congress have a choice as well.

But not taxpaying, law-abiding U.S. citizens who work for a living.

Remember too, all the state cops who have been caught embezzling tens of thousands of dollars, stealing overtime money. Only a couple went to prison. Most have been allowed by Charlie Parker to “repay” the money they stole and are now collecting huge tax-free state pensions.

But the honest troopers left behind — if they don’t get the shot, they’re fired!

As one of them texted me Sunday morning:

“I’m going to lose my career, my income and my home. I’ll lose health insurance for my family. The thing that keeps me up at night, the thought that repeats in my head in the wee-hours is, ‘I voted for this guy.’ ”

The Democrats did a poll of GOP primary voters in Massachusetts last week. The incumbent governor was behind ex-Rep. Geoff Diehl, 50-29.

When the respondents were told that Diehl had been endorsed by President Trump, Diehl’s margin increased to 57-25.

So much for the local GOP’s loyalty to their two-term governor, but really, it seems only appropriate. Years ago, on one of those local Sunday-morning TV shows, Charlie Parker was asked what the most overrated virtue is.

“Um, loyalty,” Parker replied. “A lot of times people are blinded by loyalty.”

Not Charlie Parker or Pay to Play Polito, though. But after all these years, it’s finally coming back to bite them.

Hey Charlie and Karen, we’ve got your back.