Biden ‘Justice’ Department taking it easy on rioters

In addition to everything else in the United States that the Biden administration is destroying, consider the federal justice system.

C’mon down, Montez Terriel Lee, Jr., a career thug from Minnesota. He killed somebody in a fire while looting a pawn shop during the George Floyd shopping spree of 2020.

But the pampered pukes in Brandon’s Department of Justice recommended only a relative slap on the wrist because … equity.

All you deplorables out there in your MAGA hats must understand that “Tez,” as he is known to his fellow looters, is “a thoughtful intelligent man.”

Or so the pampered pukes in the U.S. attorney’s office in Minnesota say.

“Mr. Lee had a plan to turn his life around, which appears to have been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Yes, the new breed of federal prosecutors really said that Tez was “turning his life around.”

He got his GED! He completed drug treatment! He comes from an “abusive” background!

The only thing they forgot to call Tez was “an aspiring rapper.”

How bad is it? It’s so bad after reading the DOJ hagiography of Tez, Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-KY, the minority leader, immediately put a hold on Dementia Joe’s nominee for the U.S. attorney’s job in Minnesota.

As the Turtle explained on the Senate floor, Biden’s minions in that office “recommended an unusually soft sentence below the maximum guideline to a convicted fatal arsonist because the arsonist was taking part in a far-left political riot at the time.”

You have to read the sentencing memo to disbelieve it. But this is the way Democrats think now.

The basic facts are that Tez drove up to Minneapolis to get him some reparations. Tez’s adventure in social justice included torching the Max It Pawn shop while another victim of systemic racism was apparently doing his own undocumented shopping.

The second man, Oscar Lee Stewart, was burned to death in Tez’s conflagration.

What follows was written by Biden voters explaining why their fellow Democrat should not receive the 20 years in prison that federal sentencing guidelines called for.

“Following the mostly peaceful protests,” the memo reads, “hundreds of individuals carrying on into the night vandalized and looted local businesses and destroyed businesses, vehicles and other property through arson, smashing doors and windows, hurling objects and other means.”

Which is why they’re called mostly peaceful protests.

On the night of May 28, 2020, “Mr. Lee credibly states that he was in the streets to protest unlawful police violence against black men… but that he was ‘caught up in the fury of the mob after living as a black man watching his peers suffer at the hands of police.’”

Which was why he “poured fire accelerant around the pawn shop and lit it on fire. The subsequent fire destroyed the business.”

But … but … it was a mostly peaceful protest.

“Even the great American advocate for non-violence and social justice, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated in an interview with CBS’s Mike Wallace in 1966 that ‘we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard.’”

Except, of course, that Tez was not unheard, thanks to three different cell-phone videos of the deadly arson that were introduced as evidence at trial.

In the first video, some Democrats are seen looting Max It Pawn.

“Then a masked man, later identified as Mr. Lee, is shown pouring liquid out from a metal container throughout the pawn store. The video then cuts to outside the pawn shop, which is now on fire. Mr. Lee is shown, now not wearing a shirt, holding his fist up. The man taking the video exclaims, ‘Oh (bleep) – you really did it.’”

A few days later, Oscar Lee Stewart was reported missing. On July 20, his body was discovered in the rubble. He died of “probable inhalation of products of combustion and thermal injury (building fire).”

Sad, because Tez had taken very prudent precautions – “Mr. Lee states that he checked the building before he set the fire to make sure no one would be hurt.”

Biden’s Democrats say that this is an “extraordinary case,” apparently because when Tez killed another black man “he appears to have believed that he was, in Dr. King’s eloquent words, engaging in ‘the language of the unheard.’”

Speaking of unheard, check out Tez’s rap sheet: “He does have a terrible incident of domestic violence in his criminal history, in which he viciously assaulted a woman and ruptured her left eardrum… prior convictions of burglary, assault, violation of no-contact order and theft of property …”

The feds wanted Tez to only serve 144 months for killing Stewart. But the Obama judge gave him an even milder slap on the wrist – 120 months. She boo-hooed over a few alleged facts that the feds neglected to include in their sentencing memo – Tez claims to suffer from PTSD, anxiety and depression.

Of course he does!

On the Senate floor, McConnell said he’s blocking the nomination until Brandon’s candidate (who in the past has been a big cheerleader for Ilhan Omar) assures him that he’ll prosecute an occasional criminal or two. In Minnesota? Yeah, right.

This nominee for U.S. attorney is a pajama boy who went to Amherst College — which alone would be more than enough reason for me to vote against the trustafarian, if I were in the Senate.

Among the lessons to be learned here is that apparently some Black Lives Matter more than others, especially in the halls of justice, where the only justice is in the halls.