Baker’s lax stance on illegal immigrants is shear ignorance

If you’re a barber who hasn’t worked in two months, you’re probably wondering, like everybody else, if Gov. Charlie Parker is going to end your house arrest this week and let you return to making an honest living.

That all depends, of course, on whether Tall Deval’s daddy, Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, allows the panic-stricken “Republican” to halt the economic devastation he’s been so gleefully presiding over these past eight weeks.

As we await the next Gardner Auditorium edition of “America’s Got (No) Talent,” here’s a lesson for barbers trying to stay in business without any future interference from the power-crazed petty tyrants currently running amok in Massachusetts.

Become an illegal immigrant, a thrice-deported Dominican drug dealer on welfare.

Get arrested 25 times, including 17 times for drugs — with at least four convictions — as well as six more for such traditional illegal Dominican pastimes as attaching false license plates and operating a motor vehicle without insurance.

Follow these simple instructions and Tall Deval will gladly give you a barber’s license like this one he handed out to Ramon A. Malave Aviles, aka Carlos Lara, aka Charles Lara, aka Radames Melendez, and whose real name appears to be Modesto Saldana.

The New Hampshire State Police recently confiscated the MA barber’s license of this guy (guys?) when the illegal immigrant cocaine dealer tried to obtain an N.H. driver’s license — all the better to start collecting welfare in the Granite State, as well as in Massachusetts.

Note that the drug-dealing illegal immigrant licensed MA barber also had a MassHealth card — which means he doesn’t have to pay for his health insurance, unlike U.S. citizens who pay taxes, don’t deal cocaine and who, unlike the Dominican, are expected to obey Tall Deval’s preposterously highhanded edicts.

Odd, isn’t it, how Baker wants to keep his fellow citizens under house arrest and unemployed, yet he has no problemo (that’s Espanol) with this amigo doing whatever the hell he pleases … all the while collecting welfare.

After lugging this Friend of Charlie’s, the N.H. State Police then talked to Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Boston. The ICE agents eventually identified the Dominican career criminal. According to Saldana’s rap sheet, in addition to all the arrests, he’s also been deported three times — in 1991, 2000, and 2005.

But he always sneaks back into Massachusetts. I wonder why.

If you’re one of the million Massachusetts residents who are out of work since Tall Deval succumbed to the Panic, you have to ask yourself: How is it that a career drug-dealing illegal immigrant Dominican can get a state barber’s license and welfare … while you face a $300 fine for not wearing a face mask?

Why does Charlie Parker throw out the welcome mat for Third World criminals while demanding that you absolutely shut down and maybe even get thrown into jail if you don’t knuckle under?

But I suppose the governor is all flustered and hysterical. Because as of Saturday, 5,592 Massachusetts residents had died — exactly 73 of them under the age of 50.

Of those 5,592 deaths, 3,414 were in nursing homes heavily regulated and subsidized by Charlie Parker’s state government. But Baker’s hacks must have been too busy providing welfare and barber’s licenses to the likes of Senor Saldana to actually make sure any of the nursing homes were safe.

Or maybe the state’s criminal negligence had something to do with the $52,000-plus that the nursing-home operators have duked to Charlie, not to mention $47,000 to the unindicted co-conspirator Robert DeLeo and another $32,000 to the lieutenant governor, Pay to Play Polito.

This week at Pay to Play Polito’s big announcement, watch for Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera. His city, I mean ciudad, is overrun with heroin/fentanyl dealers, most of them illegal immigrants who are, like Charlie’s barber friend, on welfare.

Yet Alcalde (that’s Espanol for mayor) Rivera was only concerned last week with ordering his police department to begin a “mask patrol,” with $300 fines for violations.

One last point about Charlie Baker’s illegal-immigrant barber friend. This is from the ICE report on his pre-deportation detention:

“SALDANA was provided a surgical mask which was in place at all times during transport and processing.”

Whew, that’s a relief! Otherwise, Charlie Parker would have had to order his state police to arrest the feds for not providing his dear amigo with the proper protection against … whatever.