I’m so done with the Oscars. Okay, I admit it, I loved Timothee Chalamet in “A Complete
Unknown” and was disappointed he didn’t win Best Actor. Fortunately, I was at a
neighbor’s birthday party, because it would have been sad seeing him passed over. If
you love Bob Dylan as much as I do, you understand what an incredible performance
he delivered.
But now to the real subject at hand. How many more Oscar shows can anyone endure
before you stop even looking at the social media posts the day after? My feed today is
filled with outlets giving Robert De Niro more time hating on President Trump.
Okay, Bobby, I guess you’re a big tough guy now because you were able to slip in the F
bomb on world-wide TV. News flash – you never were a real tough guy, you just played
one in the movies.
President Trump is trying to save the country and we could have been stuck with a
person that cannot even put a complete sentence together. I don’t even care about the
reason — too much drinking, weed, nerves or just her complete ignorance about
everything in every basic subject.
The point is, we dodged a bullet big time Nov. 5, because President Trump literally
dodged a bullet.
These silly show-biz celebrities need to get a grip. Will Smith going up on stage to slap
Chris Rock is how he will always be remembered. I can’t even tell you what award he
won that night and most of the world can’t either. However, they will always remember
that scene of his out-of-control anger management issue being displayed.
Then we also have all the celebrities over the years thanking sicko Harvey Weinstein.
From Meryl Streep and Gwyneth Paltrow to Ben Affleck — they all slobbered over this
low-life rapist. Does anyone have any respect for these people anymore? I used to love
to watch the Oscars, but for now, I’m out.
Just are the vast majority of Americans, as the overnight TV ratings will show this