22 Questions for Elizabeth Warren

Our fake Indian senator has been MIA from Massachusetts since her 2018 re-election.

Now, five years later, Elizabeth Warren has decided she wants yet another term. With her in-state polling numbers below 50 percent, Warren is kicking off her campaign with a town hall meeting acting as if she cares about the electorate’s input.

As you and I know, she only holds these so-called informational meetings when she is up for re-election – kinda like how the Globe used to report that Ted Kennedy was “turning his life around,” but only ever sixth year.

Unfortunately, Warren’s total lack of interest in our state won’t stop the Globe and the other liberal media outlets from fawning all over these progressive pow wows. Get me a barf bag!

To make matters even more appalling, Warren’s first event this week will feature Gov. Maura Healey, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, and US Rep. Ayanna Pressley, the Squad member from Dorchester. This forum will be a progressive lovefest, little more than harangues, lectures and the traditional non-negotiable demands for more government handouts and higher taxes on the rich to pay for it all. 

Of course, both audience and questions will be screened so there will be no challenging Warren’s statements.  I have put together a list of questions neither the audience nor the press would dare to ask:

  • Where have you been since 2018?
  • As a Cambridge resident, you take advantage of a special property tax break.  Do you think you should forgo this break and pay your fair share in property taxes?
  • You are rich.  Why don’t you opt to pay at the voluntary higher Massachusetts income tax?
  • Will you pledge not to write any more books on the taxpayer dime?
  • How do you pronounce Bourne?
  • As the senior senator and titular head of the Democrat-controlled Massachusetts federal delegation, isn’t it your fault the state has yet to secure funding for the Bourne and Sagamore bridges which will need to be closed within the next 3 years?
  • How have you helped the fishing industry in Massachusetts?
  • Do you still want to abolish ICE?
  • Name one accomplishment for Massachusetts.
  • You support the Green New Deal, which wants to eliminate commercial airlines.  So, do you travel via the train to and from Massachusetts to DC?
  • What have you done to lower the price of home heating oil and gas?
  • Do you regret saying the criminal justice system is corrupt from front to back?
  • Will you release your employment application to Harvard Law School?
  • Will you apologize for stealing a minority appointment or will you admit you are against affirmative action?
  • In your failed Presidential race, you swore off PAC money. However, your Senatorial account has taken over $375,000. Will you donate that money?
  • You tweeted: Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy.” How are they the backbone of our democracy?
  • Should professors earning $350,000 be required to teach more than one class?
  • You support free tuition.  Should the government regulate salaries of professors?
  • Have you visited what you once called the “west coast” of Massachusetts recently?
  • In 2018, you said you were not running for President.  Do you owe the people of Massachusetts an apology?
  • You have been in office for 10 years and accomplished nothing more than fattening your wallet.  Why would any voter believe that you would deliver for Massachusetts with another 6 years?

At age 73, she should enjoy her golden years out of office, so here’s the question we should all be asking ourselves:  Who can we get to finally defeat Warren in 2024?